Why are you here?

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(Myya's POV)

I was sitting in class bored out my mind. And of course Peter kept trying to get me to pay attention. So I took notes and stuff. And know gym.

Coach-My football players do you know about practice today?

All the football players plus myself nodded.

Coach-Raph,Myya, what are you two going to do?

Myya-Not kill anyone on the team.

Raph-Not kill anyone who thinks my sister is weak.

Some boys laugh.

Raph-Is that on are off the field.

Raph was know smirking and cracking his knuckles.

Coach-Both. Know class we will be playing a friendly game of basketball but if you don't want to play you don't have to.

I was walking to go sit down when this Jock Mason walked up to me.

Mason-I pick Myya.

Myya-I'm not playing.

Then there were more jocks coming.

Jock1-Are you going soft on us?

Jock2-What happened to big bad Myya.

Jock3-Maybe she's girly know.

Raph-Leave her alone or there will be  consequences.

The jocks then left and I walked over to Peter.

Peter-Your not playing?

Myya-No. Im getting bored of this.

Peter-What are you doing after football practice?

Myya-Showering and talking to animals.

Peter-We can hangout in your room.

Myya-Cool ill text you when I make it to the tower then wait 15 minutes because of the shower then come in my room.

Peter gets redder every time I say shower.


Its know lunch time. Im sitting at my normal table just chilling and that's when it hit me. Why the hell was today so calm.

Myya-Yo SJ has anything happened to you?


Myya-Ned, Michelle?

Ned-I don't think so.

Michelle-Chill out loser.

Myya-Ill chill the fuck out as soon as I learn how to stop cursing.

Peter-So never.

Myya-Pretty much. So has anything happened to you?


Myya-I barley get normal days. I wonder if there is a demon I could kill.

Senasia-I see you still hang with Sam and Dean.

Michelle- Who are they...Just kidding I don't care.

Ned-I want to know.

Myya-Friends that tried to kill me you know the normal stuff.

Peter-That's normal to you but a quite day isn't?

Myya-You bet your kill mode it is.

That's when my brothers walked up to me.

Leo-Don't forget to come to the lair.

Myya-Shit fuck. I forgot. But weo I don't wanna I have a study date weter.

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