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(Myya's POV)

I had to go shopping with Keke, for the stupid date. I mean its coop me and Peter are doing something but I fucking hate dresses.

Keke-Come on Myya we need our hair done to.


Keke-So your gonna walk into a fancy restaurant with a hoodie, some joggers, and a air fro.

Myya-Damn straight.

Keke just said she'll pick out my stuff and I could go die in a hole. I agreed and went to the hole. Which is a store I go to to listen to music. Like really emo music with my emo, satanic, awesome friend. Dirk. His hair was purple this month.

Dirk-Hi Myya.

Myya-What up Dirk?

Dirk-I just got out of jail.

Myya-O what you do?

Dirk-Attempted murder. I had a week.

Myya-How did you get a week?

Dirk-I know some people. And they think I'm 17.

Myya-And your 18.

Dirk-What you been doing?

Myya-Nothing. Trying not to go back to juvie.

Dirk-You know I got yo back.

(A/n I actually have a friend like this everything I said was true)

Keke-Yo Myya come on.

Myya-Ight. Bye Dirk.

Dirk-Bye. Stay dark.

We walked back to the tower. Keke had her hair done while I just ad mines I'm my usually air fro. Until when I actually got in the tower I saw Wanda, Nat, Pepper, Jane, and Peggy. Who Keke brought back to life like a week ago.

Myya-O hell no.

Wanda bit me in a bubble so I couldn't move were getting out the flat iron.

Myya-No! I don't want my hair did.

Nat-Your gonna get it done and your gonna like it.

Peggy-But we'll let you pick the type of hair style you want sweety.

1hour later

Keke-Why braids?

Myya-Because I'm gonna wear a hoodie and its easier to cover my face if I had braids.

Keke-Your not wear a hoodie I got you a dress.

Myya-Why does mine have no straps on it?

Keke winked at me. And we went to my room to get some knives to hide in our dresses and a gun in our shoes. Because we both agreed no heels no makeup. After awhile we Peter and Damian came in tuxes.

 After awhile we Peter and Damian came in tuxes

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