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(No one's POV)

Myya and The girls expect Michelle were just chilling her room again.

Myya-You wanna blow up the school?

Keke-Naw, we did that to my last school.

Myya-Yea. But that your school. This is our school. So we should blow it up.

Senasia-Jacob said i could do anything I wanted as long as I don't get caught or pregnant. So I'm down.

(Y/n)-That doesn't seem like a good idea. What time?

Keke-What's this I just found under your bed?

Myya-I swear it's not mine.

Keke-Its a criminal report with your name on it.

Myya-O. Yea that's mine.

(Y/n)-What did you think it was?

Myya-What is this 20 questions?

Keke-Hmm. Well what should we do?

Steve came in with snacks.

Steve-Hi girls how's school.

Myya-We've been tortured, possessed, beaten, poked, prodded, and literally died almost every night of the week.

Steve looked at Myya confused.

Keke-She means it was bad. Well she doesn't like school.

Myya-No im ok with school. If there was no people then i'll be happy.

Keke-Not a people person.

Steve nodded and left. The Keke, Senasia, and Keke but on costumes. And (Y/n) just but on a mask. They headed out into the night. Senasia was apart of the flash family and they called her girl flash. They all jumped or ran untill Myya saw someone.


Clark-Hi there Myya.

Elementress-What makes you think since Bats won't let you in Gotham you come to my city.

Clark-Lex Luther is here.

Girl Flash-Who the hell is this?


Girl Flash-Uncle Barry talks about you he thinks your awesome.

Clark-O. Thanks.

Elementress-So what do you want old friend.

Clark-I think you tried to kill me at one point.

Elementress-That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.

Darkness-Well Suops we gotta go.

They headed off.

Elementress-Get Lex out my fucking city are im gonna shoot his ass!

They disappeared into darkness. They didn't really find anything but some muggers, a robbery, and a creepy dude trying to sell drugs.

Creep dude-But I have all the strong stuff.


Keke was going to punch him but Myya stopped her.

Elementress-What we talking bout here.

The creepy dude smiled.

Creepy dude-White widow.

Elementress-No way. Two puffs and you gone with that shit. How much?

(Y/n)-What the hell?

Elementress-Shut up Mask!

Creepy dude-200.

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