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(Myya's POV)

I woke up with a sharp pain in my stomach and I knew what it was in harry potter terms bloody hell. I quickly went into the bathroom got my pads cleaned myself. Everyone was going to suffer because just like my brother im a hot head and a girl hot head on her period well that shot be bad. I went back to my bed unable to even walk out my room I skip training and breakfast. That's when I got a knock and my door was locked im not about to fucking leave my bed unless hell comes on earth or someone's hurt which ever happens first. And there was another knock.

Steve-Myya get up.


Steve-Are you ok? Do you need help?


Steve-Myya I will break this door.

I then got angry.

Myya-What the fuck did the door do to you asshole!? It just minding its businesses and some crazy ass fucker just threaten to kick it down!!

Yea this is going to be along week.

Steve-...What? Myya are you ok?

Myya-Yes Steven Universe I will live to see a pink lion.

Steve-Steven who?

Myya-Just get Bruce,Wanda or Natasha to come here.

Steve-Ok. But can you open the door?

Myya-Steve if I wanted you in here.I WOULD HAVE OPENED THE GOD DAMN DOOR!!!


I then heard foot steps going away from my room. Was I to hard on him? No.

(Steve's POV)

I walked away from Myya's room to go find anyone. I then saw Tony.

Steve-Tony have you seen Bruce?

Tony-I think he's in the lab. Why?

Steve-Well something wrong with Myya.

Tony-I was just on my way to see her. Wait something's wrong!? Is she sick!? O my god she's dying isn't she. I know I will make all here favorite foods and by make I mean buy.

Steve-Tony I don't think she's dying.

Tony-Ssh. Steve I have to make some phone calls.

Tony then walked off and I saw Clint.

Steve-Have you seen Natasha?

Clint-No. Why?

Steve-Something is wrong with Myya.

Clint-What's wrong with my little girl is she sick? O my god im coming Myya.

He then ran off. I then entered the lab to see Nat and Bruce.

Steve-Im glad your both here Myya want let me in her room and she told me to get one of you.

Nat-I think I know what's up.

Steve-What is it!?


Bruce-I get the pain meds.

I was know relieved that Myya was not sick.

(Myya's POV)

Clint has been knocking on my door non stop.

Myya-Clint I swear to Thor that if you don't stop I will shove one of your arrows right up your a-

Then I heard a knock and Bruce said it was him. I quickly got out my bed to see Bruce,Clint,Nat,Steve, and Tony.

Bruce-Here you go.

He gave me the meds. I then got happy.

Myya-Thank you so much!

I then hugged Bruce and Nat.

Nat-We can watch movies and eat junk food.

Myya-Go get Wanda.

Tony-Wait we a code mother nature. Friday tell everyone that there is a code mother nature. Myya there is a hole bunch of food in the kitchen all your favorite.

Clint-Can I have some?

Tony-Are you Myya? Do you feel horrible? No then I don't think so.

Clint-But all that food. Why is Myya spoiled? Is it because she the baby in the avengers? You can spoil her and me.

Myya-Do you know how this feels its like imagine Wade and I shoot and stabbing you. Stab pow stab you think your safe,stab stab sabity pow stab pow. All in the stomach.

Steve-She needs to be spoiled.

Myya-Why must I suffer threw bloody hell.

Nat-Don't almost every female wonders that.


Myya-You all can have some of the food.


I then walked into the kitchen to see pizza,nachos,taco's,hamburger's, chimichanga's, and hot wings.

Myya-Pizza is life.

And all the others came including Peter and Wade.

Wade-Hi MyMy Satan's waterfalls not treating you right?

Myya-Nope. If I ask for you to shoot me would you?


Myya-Why do you hate me.

Peter-Wait.I don't hate you!

After eating a hole box of pizza yea I did that I went back to my room were Peter followed me. I then felt a sharp pain again and feel on my bed room floor.

Peter-Myya or you ok? Do i need to get help?

Myya-No im just going to stay down here.

Peter-What's wrong and what was Wade talking about?

Myya-Bloody hell.


Myya-So im going to sum this up. Body wants baby,girl don't want to get a baby,body punishes girl with what people call a period. Which happens once every month. You know your smart they went over this in school one day.

Peter face was so funny and then he went red.

Peter-O-O and y-your okay?


I then used all my might to get in my bed and watch TV.

Peter-Is this what you meant yesterday?

Myya-Yep you our know not innocent but still a cinnamon roll.

Peter-No im not.

Myya-You look like a cinnamon roll and really is a cinnamon roll.

Peter-And you look like you can kill someone and will kill someone.

Myya-Yep that's me.

I was watch the lion king I cried at Simba.

Peter-Or you ok?

Myya-*cries*He didn't deserve death .

Peter-So once a month.

Myya-Shut up assbutt.

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