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(Myya's POV)

Clint-Myya you should straighten up more.

Myya-I know how to shoot a bow and arrow.

I realised the arrow and it hit the target.

Clint-Good. I'm so proud.

Clint wipes a fake tear.


I turned around and shot a arrow at Peter shirt pinning him to the wall.


Myya-You people need to stop doing that.

Peter takes the arrow out.


We walked out saying goodbye to Clint.

Peter-I need to study.

Myya-Do you wanna do some training?


Myya-Ok. Peter we're doing some fucking training.


Myya-It doesn't have to be training. I'm just bored how bout we go patrol.

Peter-But its light out and you don't like to be out at night.

Myya-I'm really bored.

I magic on our costumes and Peter swung us out side.

Myya-So how much crime you get during the day?

Peter-Bike thefts bag snatchers.

Myya-Ok. Lame.

A alarm went off at a bank. Peter and me rushed in and the men we're wearing Avengers masks. Peter and Me interrupted.

Spiderman-You're not the real Avenger. Wait Déjà vu.

A man spoke.

Man-Elementress I thought you come out at night.

Elementress-Think i change up my style.

Man-I'm not afraid of you are him.


I say walking closer to the gun and putting it at my heart. The man starts shaking a little.


Peter looked at me his eyes wide under his mask. I touched the gun, the other men just looked.

Elementress-I dare you.

The man dropped the gun and Peter used his webs to take the other men guns.

Elementress-You know what pisses me off the most. When a person has a gun and the other person tell them to shoot you can't do it. If it was me i would have shot your ass without hesitation. Like who are you to tell me what I can a can not do musty ass.

I shot the man in his leg.


Elementress-And its also the fact that half of you dumbass, bitchass, criminals are stuiped. You were expecting not to get caught?

I cocked my gun back and aimed at the and Peter screamed.


I sighed and shot the alarm. I the turned to the man again he was know in a ball crying I pulled the trigger as his eyes widen and the bullet never came. I smirked as he cried harder. Peter had tied up all the men. And we're gone. We made it back to the tower, and took are masks off.

Peter-What the hell was that!?

Myya-A bank robbery.

Peter-No. Why did you walk up to that man like that and try to provoke him?

Myya-Because I did.

Peter-What if he would have shot you!?

Myya-My suit is bullet proof.

Peter-And what is it wasn't.

Myya-I would have still did it.

Peter-You can't do that.

Myya-Look I can take care of myself.

Peter-You're kidnapped on the daily.


Peter-This isn't a game.

I got angry.

Myya-I the fuck are you to tell me this isn't a game! I been doing this most of my damn life and you been doing it for like a fucking year!

Peter-So. I haven't got kidnapped once.

Myya-Bitch, Wade said he kidnapped you at lest 13 times.


Myya-That's what I taught.

Peter walks away.

Myya-Peter? Peter!?

I sigh and go to my room.

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