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Russel and 2D kept following Murdoc, 2D tapped his foot impatiently. He was scared, what if he was cheating on him? Anxiety rushed through him, making him bite his lip and start sweating. Russel looked back at 2D and assured him it was probably nothing too bad.

Russel didn't want to say anything but he knew were Murdoc had been going the past few months. On a night while Murdoc was getting drunk, Russel was helping him to his room. Pissed off at him because he'd awake Noodle with his loaf groans. Murdoc then out of nowhere told him.

Russel was worried , Murdoc wasn't doing anything bad. He just didn't want 2D to find out, just yet. They stopped, but it wasn't where Murdoc would be. 2D looked at Russel confused.

"Whoi did we stop? Muhdoc is still drivinf-"
Russel sighed and looked at 2D.
"We can't keep going."
"Woi not?"
"I'll ruin everything, ya can't know, not yet."
"Wot do ye mean?!"
2D was getting scared, Russel knew what has been going on.
Russel made a U turn and began driving back to the spirit house.
2D was screaming at Russel, his eyes began to water. Russel couldn't keep a secret from 2D, he didn't deserve that. 
Russel took a deep breath and stopped the car again. He turned over to look at 2D who was shaking and sobbing.
"It ain't anything serious though"
Russel closed his eyes and began talking again.
"Murdoc has been taking therapy because he wants to be a better person. But really he's doing it for you, so you can finally be happy."
2D was even more confused, why would he be taking therapy? He knew Murdoc liked him but he didn't think he really did love him. Love him to the point of taking therapy to be a better partner.

"Woi didn't Muhdoc wont me to know?"
"Because he doesn't want you to think of him as weak or , or not man enough''.

2D was blushing, he wiped his tears and smiled.

"Russel, let's go home."

👇👇👇 RANT 👇👇👇
I got messages telling me why Noodle is Lesbian in the fanfic which bothered me a little. Noodle is Lesbian in the story because I'm not comfortable with shipping her with band members from Gorillaz. I'm sorry if you don't like it but then again, it's just a fan fic.

Okay hello, welcome to chillies. It's 4 a.m. and yeah. Okay so the first chapter of my Rick and Morty story is out! I'll be updating today perhaps too :) I'm sorry for this shitty chapter. You guys are all very sweet and I love you all too much. A L S O summer is almost over for me. Do any of y'all live in Tulsa Oklahoma? Maybe we could chat and meet up or whatever ;)

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