Chapper 1

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You're in a plane to London, so excited to see (and live with) your brother, Tom. You bend down you stroke Max (your German Shepard)'s soft fur. You recently got a job as a police woman in the K-9 unit. You were sent to London by work and are super excited! You even still have your uniform on, you love your job so much. The plane lands and you grab you f/c suitcase when you see it.

Tom said he'd meet you at the airport, but was about 15 minutes late. "Hey Tom!" You say excitedly when you see him.

"Hi!" Tom says, running up to you for a hug, then going down with a "Sike" and hugging Max instead. "Who's a good boy? You!"

"Hop in." Tom says when he's done. You hop into his blue car and drive off to his home, the ride being full of small talk and silence. You grab you're luggage and dog and prepare yourself. When Tom opens the door, you can see 3 other guys inside. 1 has a green hoodie and short brown hair, who waves at you and mutters a "hello."

The next is a guy with a purple hoodie and green overcoat, with orange hair. He's busy admiring himself in his mirror.

The next is a guy in a red hoodie, and hair that looks like devil horns. He seems to be studying you.

You take out your flask and drink a little bit.

"Runs in the family, eh?" Green whispers to red. But you can fucking hear him. You simply answer, "Yep." As if he was talking to you. "But anyways, I'm y/n. Nice to meet you all."

"I have a question." Red says, "Why doesn't she have the eye thing like you?"

"Oh, yah. I don't know. He's just a special snow flake. Also, I'm older!" You say, proud.

"By, like, a few minutes!" Tom exclaims.

"First is first. You'll always be my baby brother." You say.

"Well at least it looks like I'm older." He chuckles.

"Yah, well, your not. And there's no changing the past." You smirk, ruffling his hair. Though, you can barely reach.

"I'm Matt!" Purple with green says.

"Guess we're doing introductions now, anyways, I'm Edd." Green says.

"And I'm-" "Commie." Red starts, while Tom finishes.

(Auto correct changed Tord to Toes and I'm like yes please but no.)

"Tord." Red corrects.

"Oh, don't like each other? Ok. That's cool. How do you live with each other?" You ask.

"Believe me, it's a tough journey." Tom says, taking out his flask.

"Dog!" Matt yells.

"Yes, he is Max, just noticed?" You ask, Matt already petting Max.

"Oh, you have a... dog." Tord says, loosing more interest in every word.

"Yah, why? You a scaredy cat? Max is my police dog. He won't hurt you unless I give the order, or he feels that someone is in danger." You say, matter-of-factly.

"No, I'm not afraid of dogs, they're just weird. Also, if I punch Tom...?" Tord snickers.

"Then I come at you. Bitch, no one touches me or my friends. Yah, I'm the overprotective one." You laugh.

"Ok." He smirks, hitting the back of Tom's head.

"Max, stay." You say as you stomp over to him. He stands up, pretty much towering over you. You and your stupid ass shortness! You kick him hard in the shin. Then when he goes to grab at his shin, cursing under his breath in the process, probably surprised at your strength, you push him back onto the couch. "Had enough?" You ask.

"Just..." Then he grabs you and knees you hard in the gut. Max starts whining, giving you an idea.

"Max, play." You command. Max jumps up excitedly and leaps onto Tord, mouthing him.

"You motherfucker! Get your dog off of me!" He screams.

"Didn't you hear me?" You sigh, "I said play. He won't actually hurt you. Ugh, enough, Max. Done yet?"

"Haha! I'm so happy your my sister, y/n." Tom laughs as Max gets off of Tord and lays down at your side.

"Not-" Tord starts, but you take your gun out of its holder and point it at him. Then he takes a gun out of his hoodie and points it at me.

"Fucking really!?" You yell.

"Haha, yep." Tord smirks.

"Ugh, fine. Do you have a permit for that gun?" You ask putting yours away.

He just sort of stares at you, biting his bottom lip, a guilty expressing on his face.

"I don't want to see that gun out again." You say, death staring him.

You get more acquainted with each other, and finally all decide to go to bed. You take your luggage up to Tom's room ('Cause Edd wouldn't let you sleep on the couch, him being all, "She's our guest" and shit. And because you don't know them all well enough to completely trust in the same room as you.)

You lie awake on the mattress they brought up for you to sleep on, smoothing out Max's fur, who's beside you, but off the mattress a bit.

These are the people you will be spending quite a while with. Whoop de fucking do.

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