Chapper 11

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2 more days. Whoop de do...

There's no Tom beside you, so you decide to just change there into (favourite outfit). Opening the door, you see a Tord.

"Oh, sup?" You ask casually.

"Y/n..." He says, taking a step into the room.

"What...?" The answer he gives is a kiss de la lips. "Mnh!" You gasp, wtf!?

He pushes into the kiss, forcing you to fall down onto your mattress. He pulled away just long enough to say, "You chose the wrong side." Then he flips positions so that you're on top, but holds tight onto your arms so you can't get away. Then you hear footsteps... and a gasp.

"Y/n...?" Edd whimpered at the door frame. You push Tord away and shout, "Edd! Tord just-"

"I'm so sorry, Edd." Tord interrupted, "Y/n just came at me."

"What!?" You yell, ripping yourself from Tord and jumping up. Tord also gets up.

"How could you, Y/n? Get out of my house." He says, turning away.

"You don't believe-"


"You won't even let me-"


Tears brim your eyes. You turn to Tord and slap him across the face, then you stomp towards Edd, "When you find out Tord's lying, will you still be my friend?"

"I said get out." He says, clearly holding back tears.

"Answer my fucking question!" You yell.

"Get. Out."

"Answer first."

He doesn't answer.

"Wow. Where's Tom?"

"At the bar!" He yells.

"I'll be back for Max. Bye, Edd." You say, marching away and slamming the door on your way out.

Why would Tord do that? How could he...? Why, why, why? I'm sorry Tord's so stupid, Edd.

You run to the bar that Tom usually goes to and find him in his usual spot.

"Y/n!? What happened? Why are you crying?" He exclaims, clearly not drunk enough not to care.

"T... Tord... He..." You stutter.

"That bastard communist! What did he do?" Tom insists.

"He kissed me in front of Edd then blamed me! Edd believed him! I... I don't think I can live with you anymore..." You say, realizing.

"He can't do that. It might be "his" house, but I won't let him do that to you. Not 2 days before the... thing." He says, hugging you and patting your head.

"That damned communist! Do you want a drink?" He asks.

You wipe your tears away and nod. You receive a beer and down half of it. "He... He said that I chose the wrong side... I don't know what that means..."

"I don't know either. Maybe Tord has finally lost it." He says.

"Yeah. Maybe he just doesn't like me. Then why would kiss me? But- UHHHHH!!" You sigh, trying to understand.

((Time Skip))

"Edd, we need to talk." Tom says as you arrive at the house.

"What, Tom? Oh." Edd asks, he turns his focus away from you. Your feel a pinch in your heart.

"It's about Y/n."

"Come into the kitchen. I don't want to be in the same room as her." Edd spits, walking into the kitchen. You feel something boil inside of you. Tom pats your shoulder and walks away, into the kitchen. You stomp through the house, finding Tord in his room.

"Didn't Edd tell you not to come back?" Tord asks.

"Why did you do it?" You yell.

"Don't you mean, Why did you do it?" He asks. That cocky bastard.

"I didn't do shit. How could you!?" You shout again.

"Whatever are you talking about?" That asshole!

"What are your motives for kissing me and blaming it on me!?" You snap.

"Tsk. You're just one more distraction keeping me away from my one true goal." He says creepily.

"The fuck is that supposed to-" And then he punches you right in the face. You quickly come to and say, "Where's Max!?"

"You're pathetic. Having a dog protect you..." He snickers, grabbing your arm, pulling you inside, slamming he door shut, and proceeding to beat you up.

He punches you in the gut and pushes you around. You really realize that he's beating you and attempt to fight back. You're able to hit him a few times, but he's much stronger and... more experienced...? He's probably done this with Tom plenty times.

With a final shove, you fall back, head hits the wall, and everything goes black.


...For only a few seconds...

...Not enough seconds...

"Shit, that wasn't- Good, your awake." Tord spits. You're currently lying on a bed, you can hear knocking on the door. Furious knocking.

Then Tord flips you over so you're on top of him and kisses you again. You can't pull away, you're too weak. You're too weak. Then the fucking door opens.

"Tord!" Tom yells. Tord pushes you off of him and you fall to the floor.

"She came at me again, Tom, I swear." Tord responds. Tears immediately fall from your eyes. He even tried to trick Tom. Wow.

"Stop!" You shout, "Stop! Stop! Stop!" Tom stops in his tracks and Tord sits up on his bed.

"Stop! Stop! S-Stop! Stop!" You cry, "How could you do this to me, Tord!?" But you don't wait for an answer. You run to the door, ignoring Tom's trying to stop you. Max is there. Right at the door.

"Max..." You drop to your knees and pat his head, "Max, I need to take you back. I might never see you again. I know you'll be confused but I have to. It'll be okay, I promise."

And you take him away.

((Ohmygolly that was so sad and loooong! I'm sorry))
((Also! What would you do on your probably last day on earth?? Comment))

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