Chapper 17

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You jump the gate and sneak around behind a plane.

"...blah blah... London." Someone said, gesturing to a plane. Just your luck! You sneak over behind the plane, which is conveniently open. You step inside the plane and behind some boxes. Cargo plane.

The plane takes off shortly afterwards. So you sit. You sit and wait. And you think. Tord's the leader of an army. A big bad army. You, instead of being killed, were taken as prisoner. You got shot, died, came back to life, and are now on a plane to probably London. You were going to be used as ransom but you got to Tom before he came to Norway.


The plane stops and opens up. Men come in, grabbing boxes. Oh shit! You should have grabbed one of the red army's uniforms but you guess the author didn't think of it then and already published the last chapter.

You look and see a semi-clear coast. Thus, you make a break for it. It may not have been the best idea, but it worked... at first. There was a large gate and, after climbing it, they spotted you.

"Hey! What are you doing! Someone grab me a gun!" You ran faster, they chased you into a forest. You kept running until you tripped over a holly bush, scraping your leg. You looked back and saw no people. Heard no people.

Looking at your surroundings, you were, indeed, lost. You got up and brushed yourself off, beginning the journey home. Past thousands of trees and bushes, plenty of squirrels, 3 or 4 foxes, and finally to cement ground. You walk up to a random lady walking her dog.

"Excuse me, but where am I? It's London, right?" You ask.


"Okay, good, one other thing. Can I use your phone? I need to call someone."

"Oh, yeah. Of course." She says, giving up her phone.

"Thank you." You reply and dial Tom's number.

It rings twice before Tom answers, "Hello?"

"Tom! It's me, Y/n! I'm back. I'm in London! But I don't know exactly where..."

"Just give me a road name. I can drive you back. I'm so glad you okay." Tom says, he sounds like he's about to cry.

"Uh, street name... Dustin Avenue. ((I don't know if they use numbers or names))"

"I know where that is. I'll be there in one second. Just hold on. I love you, Y/n."

"Love you, too. I'm not going anywhere." You say and hang up because you know Tom won't.

You give the woman her phone back and she strolls away. And you wait on the side of the road. Just wait. And you see the red car drive up alongside the road. And Tom runs out and hugs you, tight.

"Y/n! Thank god you're okay!" He exclaims.

"Tom, I'm so glad that you're okay!" You laugh, tearing up.

"Hey, Y/n..." Edd said sheepishly.

"Edd... Come here you!" You laugh, hugging him.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. Tord was my best friend and I wanted so bad to believe him but-" You cut him off with a kiss. His face goes red and you laugh, "I know. I forgive you, Edd."

He hugs you tight, "Thank you. I'm so glad you're okay!" He cries. No, actually, he's crying.

"Edd you're gonna make me cry..." You laugh. Here come the waterworks...

You all talk and hug and cry, then drive home. You talk about your adventure. The near death experience you had, what led up to it and what happened after.

They talked about what happened with Tord. Tom lost his cool and was homeless for a while, and got an apartment. Tord, Edd, and Matt went to the store and Tord left early. He was about to get away unseen when Tom got there after finding a wanted poster of him. Tord got a giant robot and blew up the house when Edd and Matt got back. Then Tom got out a harpoon gun and shot Tord down. They were unsure wether Tord was alive but found out later when Tom got a text showing your face unconscious, asking for Tom to go to Norway and exchange you for him. Tom was about to get on the plane when you called, saying you were fine. They're now living in apartments.

Long journey.

When you get home you call for Matt. You want to see the little cinnamon rolls cute little face. He comes down from the attic with a worried expression.

"Really think I'd let you leave that easily?"

((You though it was finished!? Soon, children, but not yet. I gotta put a bit more into this book!))

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