Chapper 2

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You wake up to Max whining and licking your face. "What's wrong boy?" You whisper, hoping Tom doesn't wake up.

He scratches the door and you get up, grab your gun, hoping you don't have to use it because you're an anti-killing angel, and step into the hallway, gesturing for Max to smell for danger.

He finds nothing upstairs. Then you hear a crash coming from the kitchen. You go back to the kitchen and see a guy in a green shirt standing in front of you with a shattered plate at his feet and about a gallon of cola in his hands.

"Stay, Max." You say, "Place the cola on the table and put you hands in the air."

"Who are you? I thought it was just those 4 morons living here." He says, not moving.

"Sir, put the cola down. I'm living here for a while with my brother, Tom." You answer.

"Ugh, whatever." He says, obeying your first order.

"Now put your hands up." You say calmly.

"No, I'm leaving." He exclaims, trying to get past you . Max starts growling, making him back up.

"Breaking and entering is punishable by months of jail time, to life in jail, and thousands of dollars for a fine." You say, remaining calm, "But I really don't give to much of a shit because I'm tired. So fine, go. But if I see you back here with out permission, to hell with you."

He nods and scoots out the back door. "Good boy, Max!" You say, completely flipping your mood, but Max is still wary. He looks to his left and growls. You stand back up and hold up your gun up. "I know you're there. Show yourself." You can't see much through the darkness, but trust Max.

"Don't shoot, it's just me." Tord's voice calls from the darkness.

"You were almost robbed." You sigh, putting the gun down. "Safe, Max."

"I could've handled it." He shrugged.

"With your illegal gun?" You ask.

"Just a little bit of that. I wouldn't have shot anyone! It would've just been to scare him." Tord said.

"As if that would be any better." You snap.

"Oh, come on. Don't be like that." He says. You swear you could hear a snap in your head.

"Don't tell me not to be like that that! It is my job to enforce the law and to keep people safe!" You yell, then cover my mouth. Great, you probably just woke everyone up.

"Sudden out burst much?" He asked casually.

"Oh that's it! Now I really see why Tom doesn't like you! You're fucking annoying and rude!" You snap back again.

"Come, Max." You say, running up to your room. When you get there, you see Tom sitting on his bed. "Ugh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Tord's a fuckface." He says, lying back down.

"Yeah. I just wanna..." You pick up your pillow, wrap you hands around it and shake it, pretending to choke Tord.

"Calm down. You're upsetting Max." He states. It's kind of true, Max was just staring at you, looking concerned.

"Oh, it's okay baby." You coo, putting my pillow back down and patting his head. "Good boy. Good boy."

You fall asleep, thoughts of the days ahead running around in your head.

You wake up in a pile of rubble. After digging yourself out, you see a giant robot, flying away in the sky. "Tom!" You shout, somehow knowing he's in danger. "Max? Find Tom! Oh god, Max!?"

"Tom!" You shout, jumping up from the mattress. Max looks up, alert. "Oh, safe, Max. It was... just a dream." You sigh. You look beside yourself, seeing no Tom. "Shit Tom." You whisper, he might just be having breakfast or something, but you couldn't get rid of your bad feeling. You decided he was just having breakfast when you smelled bacon.

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