Chapper 13

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((That cake just change the writing and colour yay))

1 day until you go to war...

You wake up early and decide to make a cake. 4 cakes. You go to the mall and see a beautiful cake shop. Fuck it, I'll just buy a cake.

"Can I buy 4 cakes?" You ask, giving a weak smile.

"That's quite a lot. Have quadruplets or something?" The woman asks.

"No, just got in a fight with some people. This'll hopefully make things a bit better." You answer.

"I see, well, any specific colour or styles?"

"Good idea. One blue, one red, one green, and one purple."

She goes and fetches 4 cakes, all in the same style, just different colours. "Want anything written on it?"

"The green one first. Hm. "I'm sorry "I" kissed your best friend" And use quotations around I." You say. She puts the writing in amazingly unsloppy writing using green icing.


"On the red one, put "Fuck you"."

She giggles and writes away in red icing.

"One the blue one, put "Thanks for being there for me"."

She nods and writes in blue icing.

"On the purple cake put, "Because it would be rude not getting you a cake" in green icing!" You say.

"Okay." She says, writing it. "That's all?"

"That's all." You respond.

"20 each would be... 80$ please." She says. ((Too lazy for tax))

"Here." You reply, handing her some bills. She puts the cakes in boxes and then you leave and drive back home.

By the time you get there, everyone is up and eating breakfast.

"What do you want?" Tord says angrily. Tom hits the back of Tord's head and Tord returns the gesture.

"Stop!" You snap. "I have presents." You hand them each their box.

"What are they?" Tom asks.

"Open them." You insists. Matt wastes no time and slams his face into the cake screaming, "Cake!"

"Matt!" You whine, "You didn't even read it! Whatever, yours wasn't as important..."

"Thanks for being there for me." Tom reads, smiling at you.

Tord flips you off, smiling, and goes to get a knife.

"I'm sorry I kissed your best friend..." Edd reads. He smiles at you. A smile of near-forgiveness.

"Well don't just sit there, eat!" You insists.

"Want some of mine?" Tom asks.

"I would have just taken some anyways." You giggle and grab a knife, proceeding with cutting your brother's cake. You eat a quarter of the cake and talk with them about normal stuff.

It was as if nothing bad ever happened.

But you could see the nervousness in Edd.

"Edd, you're nervous. Uneasy. Something's up." You state.

"No, no. I'm fine." He mutters taking a bite of the cake.

"I don't think so. I know it's me." You say.

"Y/n..." Tom whimpers.

"Quiet, Tom." You snap, not looking away from Edd.

"How can I make you happy again?" You ask, trying to smile.

"Rewind time." He mutters angrily.

Then it snaps.

"Only Tord can tell you the truth, now. But that still won't make you happy!" You exclaim.

"You already told me the truth, you kissed him. You broke my heart!" He spat.

"I guess I did... You're still not happy, though." You say, tears brim your eyes.

"I can't be happy. Not now." Edd sighs.

"It's your fault, Tord. Do you like to see your friend suffer? Or are you willing to see your friend suffer if it takes me along with it?" You snap.

"Why are you bringing me into this!?" Tord snaps.

"I think you know exactly why." You spit.

"I did nothing-"

"Oh puh-lease! You know exactly why." You shout, "You know I'm leaving tomorrow, right? I'll be gone! Why couldn't you just've waited for me to leave then!?"

"You'll be gone... You'll be gone! Y/n you're leaving!" Edd gasped, reality setting in, "I'm sorry, Y/n... Let's just forget all of that happened. Oh my god..."

"Oh, Edd. I'm sorry." You say, walking over to him and hugging him.

"You're leaving. You're leaving!" Edd mutters.

"I might come back alive, you know."

"Might..." He says, almost inaudibly.

You pull away from the hug and pat his brown hair, "I love you guys." You say, glancing around, "Except for you." You death-stare Tord.

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