Chapper 6

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You wake up on the chair in the living room, immediately scared. You've always hated sleeping not in a room. You don't know quite the reason, but it just gives you shivers. You look around, not being able to see much in the dark.

"Max?" You whisper, "Max!?" He's probably sleeping upstairs with Tom. You start to slowly get up when a sound alike the cocking of a gun comes out of the darkness and something small and cold is placed against your head.

"Shut up." A voice says from behind you.

You gulp, "Edwardo...?"

"I said shut up!" He whisper-shouts, "Mark, John, now."

A piece of clothe is wrapped around your mouth and rope is tied around your hands, the gun never leaving your head.

"Alright, go get the cola. Y/n, you come with me." Edwardo says, slowly leading you towards the door. You're consumed with fear as you follow.

He takes you to his car and away from the house. You drive about an hour. You wonder where he's taking you, what he'll do to you. You stop at a rough road and he pushes you out.

"This is revenge. Good riddance." He says, driving away.

It's so dark and the road is abandoned. There are fields around you, being illuminated only by stars, since it was a new moon. You try to take off the rope but to no avail. You decide to start walking in the direction you came from, until you come up to a cross road.

You decide to go left, since you think you came that way. The sun is finally beginning to peek out behind the trees in the horizon. You continue walking when you see a car!

You run out to the middle of the road and jump around. The driver looks surprised and stops, immediately running out and taking off the cloth.

"Are you alright? What the hell happened!?" He asks, begging get to untie the rope.

"I-I was kidnapped and abandoned out here." You say shakily.

"Where do you live? Is it far?" He asks.

"It's an hour away from here." You answer.

"Oh, um... I'll call the police. They should be able to get you back home." He says, running back to his car. He calls the police and we wait while they come.

"So, I never caught your name?" I said.

"Oh, it's Dave." He laughs.

"Y/n." You smile back.

"Um... I was wondering if I could get your number? Not in a relationship way, but in a friendship way. Like, I have a wife and kids, but just so I know you're okay?" He asks sheepishly.

"Sure." You laugh. He gives you his phone and you add your contact. The police come and take you away, asking you questions. You told them that is was Edwardo and he lived right beside you.

You arrive home and open the door. "Y/n! Where were you!? Everyone else went out to look for you!" Tord yells, worriedly. He runs over and hugs you. You stare at him, giving him a 'wtf' look. Since when did he care where you went?

"I'd be leaving now, miss. Stay safe." The cop says leaving.

"Uh, finally he's gone. Where the fuck did you go!?" Tord yells, now angry.

"That's more like it." You mutter, "Edwardo stole cola and I guess got his revenge on me by kidnapping me and abandoning me."

"Ugh. You're so stupid! You could have just-" He rants.

"He had a gun. I was doing the smart thing." I defend.

"You could have screamed or hit the gun away."

"It was pressed against my head. If I moved, it might have triggered him to pull the trigger. Now, if you don't mind me changing the subject, why did you hug me and act like you were all worried when the cop was there?"

"Uh..." He seems to be looking for an excuse, "I do mind you changing the subject! I thought you were a cop, why are you so weak, then?"

"Im not a cop that fights. I use Max to find people and... Where's Max?"

"Tom took him. I should call everyone, say that you're okay." He says, taking out his phone.

"Hey, Edd." ... "Yah, she's back." ... "Okay." Then he hangs up and dials again.

"Tom, she's back." ... "Edwardo." ... "They probably already arrested him." ... "Bye." Then, once more, he dials.

"She's back." ... "Y/n." ... "Oh my god, just come home." And he hangs up.

"So, Tord, were you actually worried for me?" You giggle.

"Ugh, no... everyone just yelled at me." He says.

"Since when did you care?" You ask.

"After you fell asleep, Tom and I might have gotten into a fight, ending in me knocking him out. Edd was mad and took Tom and Max to bed. Then it was just me and you, since Matt left. I wanted to carry you bed, but you were sleeping so soundly and I didn't want to wake you so I just left you there. Tom woke up in the night, didn't see you on your mattress, went downstairs and you weren't on the couch either. Then everyone went out to search for you."

"Oh. Okay, cool." You shrug, not knowing what else to say.

"Ugh." He scoffs, punching you in the arm while he walks upstairs.

You sigh and walk to your room.

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