Chapter 3

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Draco's P.O.V

When Hermione walked out, she was wearing the sweat pants and t-shirt.

"What you called me earlier 'sir'," I started.

"I - I'm sorry! You hadn't told me how to address you yet!" She rushed in a scared tone.

"You can call me anything that doesn't make me sound superior to you unless we're around other people," I stated.

"I - I don't understand," she mumbled.

"Listen, I don't want you to think of me as superior. I am your equal."

She looked so confused, so I changed the subject.

“Are you hungry?” I asked her.

“No,” she replied.

“Are you lying?”

“N - no, I wasn't allowed to eat much… what I ate yesterday is enough to fill me for days,” she replied.

“I still want to get a cupboard of food in here so you can eat when you're hungry.”

I jumped off the bed, making Hermione flinch and cover her head.

“Granger, relax,” I ordered.

She slowly took her hands down but kept her eyes shut.

“I'm not going to hurt you,” I stated, holding her wrist. “We’re going down to the kitchens, when we're out there, only call me sir or master. Only speak when spoken to and stay close to me.”

She bit her lip and nodded, so I led her out of the room and to the kitchens. I handed her a bunch of foods.

“Take these back to the room, and wait for me there,” I ordered.

She nodded and rushed out of the kitchen. I was gathering my own food when I heard my aunt talking to Hermione.

“You must be Draco's Mudblood,” Bellatrix stated.

“Y - yes, m - ma’am,” Hermione stuttered.

I rushed into the room, forgetting the food, to see Hermione's trembling frame in front of my aunts evil grin.

I marched up to Hermione and grabbed her arm. She flinched.

“I told you to go back to the room,” I growled.

“Yes sir, yes sir, yes sir,” she repeated in a terrified voice.

Her eyes looked at me with pure horror. She was terrified.

“Go!” I shouted.

She raced up the stairs at a speed I thought was impossible in her condition. She left, but the look in her eyes didn't.

“Nice Mudblood,” my aunt smirked.

“Eh,” I shrugged, “it's like having a tall house elf.”

She nodded.

“Run along now, I'm quite busy,” she stated.

I rushed back to the kitchen, grabbed the food, and went upstairs.

When I opened the door, my eyes landed on a trembling figure in the corner. Hermione was gasping for air, trembling, and crying. I put a silencing charm on the room.

“Granger?” I asked, dropping the food on the bed.

She started sobbing, her back pressed tightly to the wall. I went up to her and knelt down. I gently touched her arm, making her breathing speed up.

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