Draco's P.O.V
I've been careful about what I say to Hermione over the past few days. After the incident, she got so much worse. It's only been three days and she's had five panic attacks already. She's been waking up the moment sleeping droughts wear off, a scream on the tip of her tounge from a nightmare.
I've only been letting her take showers now, and every time she takes one, I check on her every two or three minutes. I knew she was getting irritated, but her health is more important than comfort.
I was awake early, knowing the sleeping drought would wear off any second.
As if on cue, her fingers started to twitch. Her breathing sped up as she whimpered. I gently shook her, hoping she would wake up less scared today.
"R - Ron I don't understand. Why are you - ?"
She was cut off by her own ear - splitting scream.
I was shaking her harder now, calling her name.
"Why are you doing this?! Ron, why - ?"
Another scream cut her off. Her wounds began to reopen.
Her eyes snapped open as another scream pierced the air. I held her face and made her look at me.
"Draco? Draco!"
She had her arms around my neck in seconds.
"I - I'm sorry... I - I can't help it," she stuttered.
I held her trembling body against my chest. She was like a child in my arms. I held her small body so easily. It felt normal to comfort her.
I had plans for today. I was going to take her to the garden again and talk to her more about what happened.
She slowly calmed down.
"I - I'm sorry. I can't help it anymore," she mumbled.
"It's okay, you're okay," I whispered.
She took a few minutes to compose herself.
"Do you want to go to the garden today?" I asked her.
~ * ~ * ~
We got ready to go to the garden. We planned to spend the night so I gathered some stuff.
I got a sleeping drought, calming potions, and oranges. She liked the oranges last time, so maybe I can get her to eat more.
She's been eating a little bit of food everyday, but nothing more than a handful of food. I was going to try and get her to eat more.
I also grabbed a pair of clothes for each of us.
I looked over at Hermione. She was gorgeous. Her hair was up in a ponytail. She was wearing her sneakers with shorts and a tank top.
"Ready to go?" I asked, unable to resist hooking my arm around her waist.
She nodded with a smile. I apparated.
~ * ~ * ~
We'd been walking around the garden for hours. Hermione decided she wanted to lay by the creek again. She'd been so happy and smiley today.
I decided I wanted to bring up a certain topic when we laid down.
I pulled out a can of oranges and a fork. I ate one and held another in front of her mouth.
She bit it off the fork.
"So... you never really told me much about the other morning. I want to know what exactly you were thinking," I told her.

Saved by Malfoy*
FanfictionAlright, this is the edited and twisted version. I completely changed it, but at the same time, I kept everything that was there before. Description: I was running. My bare, bloody feet were screaming at me to stop and rest. The cold breeze freezin...