Chapter 29

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Draco's P.O.V  (the next day)

I glanced out the window to check on her. Hermione was relaxing on the edge of the forest. She had her pale legs in front of her and her head against a tree. I was certain she would get a sunburn.

I had a trace on her, and she knows the boundary rule is still in place. She knows there are snatchers everywhere.

I cursed when I saw my aunt leaving the house. She looked about to apparate, but froze when she spotted Hermione.

I was about to apparate when Mother walked into my room.

"Draco - "

"Mother, Bella is outside with Hermione and I got to - "

She grabbed my arm and apparated outside. Mother pushed Bella out of the way and grabbed the already terrified Hermione's arm.

"How dare you disobey a direct order? You must be punished this instant!" Mother shouted, grabbing my arm too and apparating.

The second I had my footing, I pulled Hermione into my arms. I was expecting panic. She took a couple deep breaths before she pulled back.

"I'm okay," she smiled at me.

Mother smiled at the both of us. Hermione glanced out the window.

"She's really mad," she whispered.

"I ruined her fun," Mother stated.

"Thank you," Hermione mumbled.

Mother gave her a sympathetic smile.

"So... I saw a certain couple go into the woods yesterday. They didn't come back last night. So tell me, where did you two go?" She asked us.

"We decided to go on a little camping trip," I replied before Hermione could say anything about my guarden.

No one but her knew about it.

"A night all alone?" Mother asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes.

"We just slept, Mum," I stated, shaking my head.

"Yeah, 'slept'," she replied with finger quotes.

Hermione glared at her.

"I haven't done that with anyone yet, actually," she stated, crossing her arms as her cheeks tented pink.

"You're a virg - ?"

"No, actually," Hermione's cheeks got really bright then.

Mother’s eyes turned furious as she peiced it together. She turned to me.

"Did you - ?"

"No! I would never!"

Hermione stepped in.

"No, no he didn't," she cut in quickly.

Mother relaxed.

"Who did it?" She asked Hermione.

"Ronald Weasley," Hermione whispered.

Mother’s eyes widened.

"Wasn't he your lover in Hogwarts?" Mother pried.

"I - I don't - I - "

Mother quickly caught on to Hermione's anxiety.

"Oh, no, it's okay. We don't have to talk about it," she rushed. "I need to talk to Lucius."

Mother left the room quickly. I locked the door and charmed it.

Hermione stumbled into my arms.

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