Draco's P.O.V (a few weeks later)
I decided to walk home from the store. It was safe now, so I decided to enjoy the weather.
I saw a box shaking around on the sidewalk ahead of me. It was a small box, so it couldn't be anything big inside.
I drew my wand and slowly approached the box. I could hear whining and scratching from inside.
I opened the box and sighed in releif when I saw what was inside.
A little puppy stared at me, whining. I looked around the box. It had a free puppy sign on it.
I shrunk the groceries and put them in my pocket. I gingerly picked up the puppy. It barked quietly.
It couldn't have been more than two weeks old. It definitely did not look old enough to leave it's mother. I think it was a German Sheppard, but I couldn't be absolutely sure. I held the dog to my chest and apparated.
I walked though the front door of our home.
"Hermione! I'm home!" I called, walking to the kitchen for the groseries.
I set them on the counter and looked around the house. I went upstairs to our bedroom and opened the door.
I heard Hermione in the bathroom. She was vomiting.
I set the puppy down on the bed and rushed to help her. Once she finished, I helped her up.
"Are you okay?" I asked her.
"I'm okay," she nodded. "I ate a bit too much lunch."
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked worredly.
"I'm f - " She hesitated. "I'm alright."
I settled for that.
"I have a surprise for you," I stated. "Close your eyes."
Once I was sure her eyes were closed tight, I led her to the bedroom and picked up the dog. I gently set the puppy in her arms.
She gasped and opened her eyes.
"Oh my gosh," she whispered. "It's adorable!"
I grinned at her reaction.
"Where did you find it?" She asked, holding him to her and scratching behind his ears.
"Him," I corrected. "I found him on the way back in a cardboard box."
"But he's so little!" She exclaimed, cuddling him.
"That's why we have to take good care of him," I smiled at her.
She gave me the biggest smile and leaned on my chest.
"I love you so much," she stated.
"I love you so much more."
She shot a half - hearted glare at me.
"He's all skin and bones. Can he eat kibble yet?" She asked me, dragging her thumb over his tiny ribcage.
"I don't think so... I've gotta go back to the store and get some dog stuff now," I stated.
"Okay, I love you," she grinned, moving to kiss me.
The second our lips touched, I struggled to remember the puppy that was now touching both of our chests. He whined and scratched at Hermione, so she pulled back.
"I'll be back in a few," I stated before apparating.
Hermione's P.O.V
I held the puppy in my arms. He needed a bath.

Saved by Malfoy*
FanfictionAlright, this is the edited and twisted version. I completely changed it, but at the same time, I kept everything that was there before. Description: I was running. My bare, bloody feet were screaming at me to stop and rest. The cold breeze freezin...