Chapter 22

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Draco's P.O.V  (21 days later)

I slowly got out of the shower, sad to leave the comfort of it. I wrapped a towel around my waist and stepped out of the room.

I went to the chest of drawers and grabbed a set of clothes. My ears perked when I heard Hermione shift.

"Draco," she whispered.

I went to her side. This happened many times these past few weeks. She keeps saying my name in her sleep. Theo said it might help her if I let her know I'm there.

I put my hand on her cheek.

"I'm here. I'm right here, Hermione," I stated, holding her hand too.

Her body relaxed again. I sighed and went to get dressed. When I was putting my pants on, I heard Hermione again, but she sounded different.

"Draco!" She croaked.

I rushed back in there to see Hermione thrashing on the bed. I quickly tried to keep her from breaking all the wounds back open. I caught her wrists and pinned them above her head. I then gently put one of my knees on both of hers, completely restraining her.

"Hermione, are you awake?" I asked quickly.

I hoped this wasn't a nightmare.

"What do you think?" She gritted. "It hurts!"

I snatched the pain releif potion off the nightstand and held it to her lips. She, more than willingly, drank the potion. After a few seconds she relaxed.

"Thank you," she sighed.

I kissed her. She kissed me back almost instantly. I'd missed her so much these past few weeks. When I pulled back, she grinned at me.

"That... was nice," she laughed.

"I missed you," I mumbled, releasing her.

"Where did I go?"

"You were asleep for three weeks," I told her. "After you used that shield charm, my aunt attacked you. You've been out cold ever since," I explained.

"That explains why my body hurts," she muttered. "How's your chest?"

I looked down at it.

"Pretty much healed," I replied.

She gently touched one of the scars.

"I'm glad."

"I'm more glad you woke up."

I drew my wand and sent an owl to Theo.

"Theo’s not mad at me, is he?" Hermione asked quietly.

"No, he's been worried sick. He's been here almost every second he can to help you heal. He's hardly slept," I told her.

"No, he doesn't have to do that," she shook her head. "It was my choice to use the shield, not his. He shouldn't have to suffer because I made a choice."

"Well - "

I was cut off when the bedroom door opened. Theo walked in the room with a small smile.

"About time you're up, Granger," he stated, walking up to us.

"Yeah, I'm nice and well rested now," Hermione nodded.

Theo started pulling a bunch of stuff from his pouch. He pulled out a bunch of potions and a few syringes.

Hermione wasn't paying attention. She pulled me down beside her and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Alright, let's get the hard part over with first," Theo stated.

Hermione looked over at him and tensed when he uncapped the first shot.

"Something wrong?" I asked her.

"I just never really did well with needles," she mumbled.

"Theo figured it was the best way to give you the vitamins and stuff you need. You can't eat enough to get stronger, so he just puts the stuff you need straight into your blood," I explained.

She nodded but made a face. Theo took her arm in his hand and wiped it with a wipe. Hermione squeezed her eyes closed and pressed her face into my shoulder when Theo picked up the needle.

He hurried and did all the shots she needed. He then started checking her heartbeat and temperature and such.

Hermione cooperated with everything until he started having her drink potions. She drank them all except the sleeping drought.

"One left," Theo handed it to her.

"I don't need it right now," she stated. "I've been asleep for three weeks."

"We just want you to heal. You heal a lot faster when you're sleeping," I told her.

"I can't sleep forever, and you can't make me," she shook her head.

I sighed. She was missing the point. 

"Hermione - "

"No, I sleep all the time. Every time I get hurt, someone knocks me out. I'm sick of it! I've been sleeping for three weeks. Give me a break!" She argued.

"Alright, then. Just let me give you one last shot. It gives you energy, at least," Theo sighed.

Hermione held out her arm and squeezed her eyes shut. Theo quickly poured the sleeping drought in a syringe and injected her.

Hermione slowly closed her eyes and passed out on me. I laid her down.

"Maybe we should have let her stay up."

"She can when she's better," Theo replied.

Theo grabbed a few potions from his bag.

"Pain relief and blood replenishing," Theo told me. "Give her one of each each time the pain releif wears off."

I nodded, so he left.

I pulled Hermione closer, so she snuggled into me. I allowed myself to drift off.

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