Chapter 27

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Draco's P.O.V

Hermione tensed when someone knocked on the door. I decided if it was my aunt, she might not hurt Hermione if Hermione was out of the way, "unconsious."

"Pretend you're asleep in the corner," I ordered, going to open the door.

When I opened it, Pansy Parkinson strolled in like she owned the place. She grinned at me.

"Hello, Drakie," she smiled, throwing her arms around my neck.

Hermione's P.O.V

I peaked through my eyelashes at Pansy. I was instantly self - consious. She was gorgeous.

Her raven hair was down in wavy curls. It went down her back.

My hair was still frizzy. It was thin too because of how much it was pulled from my head.

Her face was smooth and perfectly toned.

My face was pale, and had a few scars.

She was wearing really nice clothes, and her shoes were new.

Draco and I agreed that it would be safer if I didn't have anything too fancy. We decided it was probably best that I didn't look like I was treated well.

I began to wonder why Draco would choose me over this woman.

Draco's P.O.V

I pushed her off me before she could go any further.

"What do you want?" I growled.

She gasped.

"I just wanted to hang out with my boyfriend!" She cried.

"I'm not you're boyfried," I stated, staring her down.

Her eyes drifted to the side then lit up.

"You got a Mudbloood?!" She gasped, rushing over to Hermione, who was still faking sleep. "Oh my gosh, it's Granger!"

She knelt down and looked at Hermione's face.

"What happened to her, she looks awful?"

"You can leave now," I stated.

She stood up, so I thought she was leaving. What I hadn't expected, however, was for her to bring her foot back and kick Hermione's ribs. Hermione gasped when a loud crack filled the room.

I saw red.

Parkinson had a silencing charm and full body bind on her before anyone blinked. I grabbed her arm and apparated.

Her parents gasped when I dropped her in their living room. She landed right on her nose. Good.

I left without a word.

Hermione was taking slow breaths in the corner, staying almost completely still. When she heard me she opened her eyes.

"Is it broken?" I asked, kneeling in front of her.

She nodded, probably not trusting herself to speak. This was the one thing I was really good at when it came to healing. I gently touched the tip of my wand to her chest and muttered the indication.

Hermione squeezed her eyes closed as the bone healed.

"Thank you," she sighed.

I pulled her chin up and pecked her lips.

"Anything for you."

She blushed and put her arms around my waist.

"I like hugs more," she stated.


"Because hugs, I feel like, are more loving. Kisses could be a sign of lust, not love. Hugs, however, are just getting closer to another person for comfort or love," she explained.


I hugged her back, tightly. When we pulled back, I remembered something.

"I owe you a walk," I stated.

Her face lit up instantly.


"Go get your shoes on," I smiled.

She rushed to get her shoes on. I quickly slipped mine on. Hermione grabbed my arm with a huge smile on her face.

I apparated outside. I quickly put a shield charm around the house.

"Okay, it's safe up to a hundred feet away from the house. A bright blue line will show where you can't go," I explained.

She nodded before giving me a smile.


She poked my shoulder before bolting into the woods. A grin exploded on my face as I ran after her.

Narcissa's P.O.V

I glanced out the window to see Draco and Hermione outside. He was talking to her with hand gestures.

I grabbed my camera when Hermione bolted into the woods with a grin. Draco ran after her.

I quickly apparated outside and followed the two. I put an invisibility charm and silencing charm on myself and rushed after the two.

I found Hermione first. She was stiffling giggles with her hand as Draco ran around trying to find her. I took a picture.

Unexpectedly, Draco ran up behind her and caught her in his arms. Hermione gasped before she started laughing.

I took another picture.

I didn't recall ever seeing the happiness on Draco's face before. I smiled knowing he was truly happy.

In this war, happiness was hard to find.

Draco set her on her feet.

"I love you," he muttered to her, so I was barely close enough to hear.

"I love you too."

Their faces got really close, but just before their lips touched, Hermione grinned and ruffled his hair before bolting.

"Hey!" Draco whined, running after her. "Bloody tease," he added under his breath.

I followed quickly.

I gasped when Hermione tripped, and Draco tripped over her. They started laughing again. I took another picture when Draco grabbed her hand, and they stared at the sky together.

I smiled to myself and went back home.

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