Hermione's P.O.V
I took a deep breath of his scent before I pulled back.
“You might want to get ready,” I mumbled.
He pecked my lips before bouncing up off the bed. I watched as he went to his cupboard and pulled out a dark cloak and a white mask. He threw on the cloak but set the mask aside.
He came back over to me and leant down.
“Stay safe, okay?” He whispered.
“Only if you do,” I replied just as quietly.
“I promise,” he agreed.
He pulled his lips to mine one more time before grabbing his mask and disappearing out the door. I heard him muttering locks on the other side.
I stayed where I was for a long while; the clock said it was four hours. I felt a dull aching in my chest and I was really bored. Eventually, I forced myself to my feet. I looked around for something to do before I spotted a calendar on the wall. I went to look at it.
June 1st, 2000.
“2000,” I whispered.
The last time I remembered being free was May 2nd, 1998. I noticed a spot marked on the calendar four days later in green ink: Draco's Birthday. I smiled for a second before looking at the clock again, waiting for Draco to come home and trying to forget the ache in my chest.
Draco's P.O.V
Father, Bella, and I apparated to the Potter’s old place in Godric’s Hollow.
It was seconds before an unidentified spell flew inches from my head. I quickly spotted two rogue death eaters and three order members. I started firing as many curses as I could get out. It was probably a couple hours before we could begin to strike them down.
I was hit with at least five stinging hexes and one wimpy cruciatus before the live two tried to retreat. I got one in the back with an avada while father got the other with a cruciatus.
I turned to him.
“Father, can you do the report for this please; I'm afraid I've been too busy?” I asked.
“Of course, avada kedavra,” he muttered to the last person. “Go on home; Bella and I can clean up.”
I nodded and apparated.
Hermione's P.O.V
Draco was gone for five hours before he stumbled in the door. He had tons of cuts and bruises.
“Draco! What happened?! Are you okay?” I rushed, jumping off the bed.
The ache in my chest blossomed into a sharp pain, but I ignored it. I made him sit on the bed.
“I'm alright,” he grunted. “Just another mission. A couple bumps and bruises are to be expected… can you get the potions from that cupboard?”
I nodded and rushed to one of the many cabinets. I pulled out certain potions and sat next to Draco on the bed. Without permission, I started to tend his wounds. A small smile grazed his lips as he watched me heal him. When I finished, I realized just how tired he looked.
“You should rest now,” I told him.
“No,” he yawned, “I want to spend some time with you.”
“Draco, you look exhausted. Get some sleep.”
“You've been alone half the day; you need company,” he stated.

Saved by Malfoy*
FanfictionAlright, this is the edited and twisted version. I completely changed it, but at the same time, I kept everything that was there before. Description: I was running. My bare, bloody feet were screaming at me to stop and rest. The cold breeze freezin...