Bonus Chapter 4

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Draco's POV

I shouldn't have told her.

She wasn't stable enough.

My little wife and I spent the next few hours crying. She'd only got to see him one time and he was already almost gone.

She blamed herself. She claimed it was because she didn't eat right. She claimed it was because she had so many things wrong with her. I tried to tell her that that just wasn't it, but she wouldn't have it.

"I - I need to see him. I'm gonna go see him," Hermione started firmly.

I stared at Theo, begging him to let me take Hermione to our son.

"Give me ten minutes to set up a chair," he agreed.

He ran right from the room.

It was only ten minutes later that we were on our way to the children's ward. I pushed the small wheel chair to Scorpius' crib thing.

A nurse was trying to get him to eat, but he was just as stubborn as his mother.

"Mrs. Malfoy! Would you like to feed him?" The shocked nurse offered.

Hermione nodded quickly with tears in her eyes.

The nurse took some of the many wires off Scorpius and handed Hermione our baby. Instantly, Hermione started crying.

"He has my eyes," she sobbed holding him gently.

She somehow managed to feed him through her crying.

My little wife held our baby. She tucked him to her chest when he refused to eat.

"The cancer is just ruining him. He hasn't eaten all day," the nurse sighed with tears in her eyes.

Hermione broke down again. Not once did Scorpius cry in her arms. He rested his head on her chest and closed his big brown eyes.

I knelt in front of Hermione and rested my head on her knees.

"We can't make him do chemo," she whispered through her tears. "We can't make him suffer like that."

Tears were pouring down my face.

"I agree," I managed to choke.

"The cancer has been spreading far too quickly anyway. It started in his lymph nodes, so it spread through his entire body. He won't live to the end of the week," the nurse replied with a tight voice.

Hermione's sobs grew. Her body was trembling from head to toe.

"I - I - I b - broke him," she sobbed. "It's all my f - f - fault!"

~ * ~ * ~

Hermione and I were sitting in her hospital room, cuddled on the bed with Scorpius on her chest. He was given an hour left. They took him off all the wires  as all they did was "prolong the inevitable".

I held Hermione while she held Scorpius. We had taken hundreds of pictures with our baby in the last week.

Hermione was getting depressed. I'd talked to Theo about what exactly this would do to her. He told me, that to a woman, it's like losing all their purpose in life. It's a natural reaction for women to feel like they've lost everything and that it was their fault.

I could see the pain in Hermione's eyes now. I was upset too, but I knew it wasn't our fault. There was nothing we could do to stop this from happening.

Hermione started singing a quiet song. She sang that she would one day see him again, safe and healthy. I wasn't sure the name of the song, but it was beautiful.

Close to the end of the song, Scorpius started having trouble breathing. Hermione bit her lip as our baby struggled so profoundly.

The cancer was slowly killing him. His skin from the chest down was purple from the lack of circulation.

I drew my wand and pressed it to his forehead.

"Legilimens," I muttered.

I got to see his thoughts, which were more of feelings than memories. Pain was the first thing I felt from him, but love was a close second.

I pulled out of his memories with tears in my eyes.

"What did you see?" Hermione asked with a thick voice.

"He loves us so much," I replied as the tears started to escape.

Scorpius started gasping. I thought he'd stopped breathing for a moment before he sucked in one last breath. Hermione started shaking when he didn't take in another.

I started to sob when it was a full minute later and he still didn't take another breath. Hermione cried right on with me while she held our dead son.

Hermione and I had been crying for a very long time before someone came in to get Scorpius and take him to the morgue.

Hermione refused to release the small child. She was still holding him tightly. I held my breath when she finally realized that there was nothing she could do. She let them take Scorpius from her arms.

I moved her on me, so her legs were on either side of me and her stomach was to mine. Her chest heaved with sobs as she hid her face in my neck.

I should have asked to hold Scorpius before he passed. This was so hard on her, I feel like him dying in her arms made it worse.

The pain in my own chest forced me to stop trying to stay strong. I couldn't fight it any longer. I broke down while I held Hermione. We sobbed into eachothers for hours.

It was a while before Hermione could no longer keep her eyes open. She still cried in her sleep.

Theo came in about that time, so I tried to pull myself together. He sat next to me on the bed and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry, Mate, is there anything I can do?"

"When can we go home?" I asked with a cracking voice.

"Soon, I'm sure. As long as Hermione doesn't slip into another coma after this,  it should be a few days," Theo replied quietly.

I managed to nod. My little wife started shaking again with new sobs.

"Shh, it's okay. Shh," I tried to sooth her.

I had been so consintrated on Hermione, that I didn't notice Theo grab two syringes.

Hermione was, unknowingly, holding my arms down, so when Theo went to give me the shot first, I couldn't move.

"What are you -"

"I'm giving you a sleeping drought to calm down, but only a bit, so you won't pass out," Theo replied quietly.

I let him give me the potion.

"What are you giving her?" I demanded.

"A calming potion to get her heart rate back down and to help her calm down."

Hermione flinched away when the potion was put into her. My little wife relaxed on me and slept more peacefully.

"Do you think she'll let me get the heart monitor and IV back on her?" Theo asked me.

I remembered back to earlier today when they brought Scorpius into the room. He wasn't supposed to be here, but he was still dying, so they took him in to be with us. The moment they told us what was happening, Hermione ripped off everything she needed and insisted she couldn't have her baby last see her with all kinds of wires all over her.

"I think... you can put them on her now," I nodded.

I tried to pull her back, but a fearful whimper stopped me. Hermione's grip on me got tighter.

"She won't let me set her down," I stated.

"Let her sleep, then. I have a feeling she's going to need it."

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