Chapter 9

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Draco’s P.O.V

I woke to Hermione whimpering and shifting on my chest.

“Hermione?” I muttered.

“Please, not me, not me,” she repeated over and over, “Ron! Please!” She suddenly yelled.

My eyes snapped open when she yelled his name.

“Please! I'm sorry! I didn't want to run! I'm sorry!” She cried, gripping my shirt tightly.

I saw her face. It was so pale, and she had tears streaming down her cheeks. I sat up, gently moving her to the mattress.

“Ron! Please! I'm begging-”

She cut herself off with an ear splitting scream. Terrified, I quickly found my wand and put up a silencing charm. I was horrified when some of the scars she had suddenly ripped themselves open.

She screamed again and writhed on the bed.

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

“Wake up! Hermione!” I yelled, shaking her.

The door suddenly opened, making my heart sink. The door slammed shut, and a soft voice replaced the silencing charm. Mother rushed up to the bed. Hermione screamed again, this time more tortured.

“Draco! What's happening?!” Mother shrieked.

“I think it's a curse on her nightmares,” I rushed.

Mother used a spell on Hermione, making the latter shoot awake.


She was in my arms before I could say anything.

“I'll go get a sleeping drought,” Mother stated.

She left the room quickly.

Hermione was shaking and crying in my arms. I drew my wand and started to heal the gashes in her body.

Her grip on me was so tight I could feel her nails through my shirt. I gently ran my hands up her back.

“Shh, calm down, it's okay,” I whispered soothingly.

“I - I - I'm sorry,” she whimpered.

“It's okay, Mum will be back in a moment with a sleeping drought then you’ll-”

A strangled plea escaped her lips.

“Please no, please no, please no,” she repeated.

Mother came back in with the potion in her hand. She handed me the potion.


Mother sat at the end of the bed.

“Hermione, drink this,” I ordered, putting the potion close to her face.


I was shocked by the firmness of her voice. Impossibly, her trembling increased.

“Hermione, just drink-”


This time, her voice shook.

“Hermione, your body needs to heal. We can't risk another nightmare,” I said softly.

“You don't understand,” she whispered.

“I'm trying to keep you healthy and safe; it's really hard to keep you healthy if you won't let yourself heal,” I stated.

“Draco, I just…”

“Hermione, you will either take the potion, or I will make you,” I threatened.

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