Chapter 4

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(I need someone to play Bentley, so if you can think of any 15-16 year old guys, comment suggestions)

We woke up the next morning at around 10:30 am to someone banging on my door. "Yeah!?" I shouted a little so the person could hear me, while I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Lena is having the baby, do you want to come or stay!?" Dad asked. "Wanna go to the hospital?" I asked Alex. "Sure." I just nodded then told my dad that we will go with them, then we both got up and got dressed.

Since Alex has been at my house for the past few days, he doesn't have clothes, so he's wearing mine.

After we both got ready, I grabbed my laptop and earbuds, then we both walked out of my room and met everyone else downstairs.


It's been 2 hours so far, and no baby yet. Kazzy, Alaya, Alex and I are in the waiting room, while my parents and Weston are in the room with Lena.

Alex and I were watching a random movie on Netflix, when I noticed a man walk into the waiting room and over to Kazzy.

I couldn't really hear what they were saying, because of them whispering, but I just kind of kept staring at them. Well him, I was trying to figure out who he was.

He noticed me staring at him, then said one last thing to Kazzy, then walked over to me. "Hey buddy." He said as he got to me.

"Who are you?" I asked, not being able to figure out who he was. "Nolan...I was your brother's friend..." He said, as if just the mention of my brother would make me upset. "Oh cool, I haven't seen you since I was like 4 so I didn't remember you."

He just nodded. "How have you been?" "Good, Where have you been?" "Traveling around the world." "Cool."

If I sound rude, I don't mean too, I just haven't been around him enough to be comfortable with him. You know how awkward it is when your cousins who live in another state visit, it's like that.

He walks back over to Kazzy, then sits down next to her and starts talking to her again. I scooted closer to Alex and put the ear bud back in my ear and watched the movie.

He sneakily held my hand where no one could see and I smiled a little but made it seem like I was smiling because of the movie.


At 3:07 pm, July 15th Markus Jacob Koury was born. I invited Alex to come see the baby with me, but he refused. I tried to persuade him to come, but he still refused, so I just went alone. 

I walked into the room as my parents walked out to probably go talk with Kazzy. I got closer to Lena and smiled a little when I saw the little baby that was wrapped up in a blanket, in her arms.

 I got closer to Lena and smiled a little when I saw the little baby that was wrapped up in a blanket, in her arms

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"Do you want to hold him?" She asked looking up at me. "Can I?" I asked, getting a little excited. "Of course." She handed him to me and I smiled down at him.

"Hi little guy, I'm your uncle Bentley." I said quietly as I kinda rocked back and forth. I eventually sat down in a chair with him and kinda whispered to him, talking about our family while Lena slept and Weston left to get some food.

"You have another uncle, His name is Jacob. You'll never meet him but just know that he would have loved you very much." He moved around a little then kinda smiled but I think it was just gas or something.

I pulled out my phone and showed him pictures of Jacob, Lena, Lisa and I when we were babies, even though he's asleep and wouldn't understand.

I pulled out my phone and showed him pictures of Jacob, Lena, Lisa and I when we were babies, even though he's asleep and wouldn't understand

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I talked to him until Weston came back. Once Weston was here, I gave him Markus after taking a picture of myself with him.

I walked back into the waiting room, where my family and Alex were. "Do you want to stay or help us decorate Weston and Lena's front yard or just go home?" Dad asked. "Um...just go home." He nodded then we all got in the car.

They dropped off just Alex and I, then the rest of them went to Lena's house. We walked into my house, then just sat down on the couch.

I ordered us some Chinese food, since we haven't eaten at all today and we are starving. "I'm sorry I didn't go with you, It just felt a little weird for me." Alex said as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"It's okay, I completely understand." "What's his name?" "Markus with a 'k'." "That's cute." I just smiled.

I picked my phone up from my lap, then posted the picture that I took of Markus and I with the caption. "Welcome to the world little Markus. Everyone loves you already."

After I posted the picture, I checked out some more fanpages for me while Alex kinda just napped on me.

At one point, he laid down with his head on my lap and I started to play with his hair. I even took a picture it cause he just looked so cute.

Like this boy could be a model if he wanted to. He's so perfect. I kinda just stared at him for a few minutes.

Someone knocked on the door, so I carefully got up without waking Alex and opened the door. "Oh hey Ellie." I said kind of blocking the doorway. "Can I come in?" She asked. "My parents aren't home..." "So? I've been in your house when your parents weren't here many times. Move." She said trying to push me, but I didn't budge.

"Why are you acting so weird?" She asked, giving me a look. "I um...I'm sick." I said the fake coughed. "Nice try." She said then shoved me out out the way and walked into my house.

Right as she walked in, the delivery guy came with mine and Alex's food. I gave him money and took the food then walked over to Alex.

"Who's this?" Ellie asked as she gave me a look. "My new friend." I lied then shook him. "Alex the food's here." I said and he sat up and looked at Ellie then at me.

"Friend?" She asked, not believing me. "Yeah boyfriend." I said then sat down and started to eat. I don't have to hide anything from her, she already knows I'm gay, so why lie about finding a boyfriend?

"Okay friend or boyfriend? Cause those are two different things." She said crossing her arms. I looked over at Alex and gave him a look as in asking if I could tell her. He just nodded while he stuffed his face with a summer roll.

"Boyfriend." "Since when!?" She said getting excited which was weird but girls are odd creatures. "Last night."

She started to freak out for some reason, Alex and I just gave her weird looks, but she ignored us and continued to freak out.

After a few seconds, we just started to ignore her and finished eating our food. I threw our trash away, then sat back down next to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders and showed him a few edits that fans had made for me.

That's kinda how our night went. Just Alex and I checking out fanpages while Ellie went crazy over us.

Alex eventually had to go home, because school is tomorrow. I went up to my room followed by Ellie and just kinda listened to her ask a bunch of questions, answering only a few of them.

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