Chapter 21

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~Saturday 2 years later~

I graduate High school today, like what on earth!? How did I grow up so fast!? So here's an update on my life in the past two years.

I have two Tattoos. One on my ribs that says Alex's name and the day we met and one on my wrist that says 'Mind over matter'.

The reason I got the tattoo on my wrist was because Jacob used to write that everywhere. If you go into his old bedroom, and over to his desk, you could see that the words carved into it.

Alex and I are engaged! I proposed to him almost five months ago. We were at Universal Studios in LA and we had just bought The big Pink donut. I told him to go grab some napkins and a knife, so I could cut it for us and while he was gone, I put the ring box in the middle of the donut.

When he came back, he saw the ring box instantly. He gave me a weird look and sat down across from me, while I just gave him a cheesy smile.

I stood up from my seat and grabbed the box, then got down on one knee. I gave him this huge cheesy speech, then finished with the most important four words. 'Will you marry me?'

By then, everyone around us was staring. He just smiled widely and mumbled something about me being an asshole, then nodded his head and said yes. I slipped the ring onto his finger, then pulled out my matching one and put it on as well.

 I slipped the ring onto his finger, then pulled out my matching one and put it on as well

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I am currently sitting on the couch wearing a Tux, watching ChalkZone with Hudson and Markus. It's crazy how sixteen years ago, I was doing the same thing with Jacob.


"Why are you wearing that?" I asked as Jacob sat down next to me and pulled me onto his lap. "I'm graduating high school today, so I have to." He said then tickled me, which made me giggle.

"What does that mean?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "It means I grew out of my school." "You're too big to fit into your school?" "No, I'm too old to go to my school, now In a few months I have to go to a new school further away." He said laughing at me. "Oh." I giggled.

~ Flashback over~

I laughed the memory, then looked down at the two little boys. One was lost into the show and the other one looked up at me and smiled with a pacifier in his mouth.

"Gimme that." I said taking it out of his mouth and he just giggled. Lena and Weston have been trying to get him to stop wanting pacifiers, but don't want to just take it from him, so they kind of just left him with me for the month to see if I could get him to stop.

 Lena and Weston have been trying to get him to stop wanting pacifiers, but don't want to just take it from him, so they kind of just left him with me for the month to see if I could get him to stop

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The month just started and so far, he's been using them less. For the most part he's only been using them when he's sleeping.

Markus yawned and crawled onto my lap and rested his head on my shoulder. "Please." He said while pointing at the Giraffe wub-a-nub. "Try sleeping without it just this once?" I asked.

He nodded, then closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep. This is so easy. I don't understand how they are having such a hard time with this.

I looked over at Hudson to see him already looking at me. "Can I have a banana?" He asked stretching then throwing his arms down hitting the couch.

"Yeah." I said getting up with Markus. I picked Hudson up as well, then went into the kitchen. I sat Hudson down in his highchair, then grabbed a banana and opened it for him, then gave it to him.

"Thank you." "You're welcome." I sat down in a chair next to him and kind of watched him eat while rubbing Markus' back.

It could just be me, but I find it so cool how they learn things at different times. Like how Hudson can say full sentences fluently, while Markus can only say a few words at a time not so fluently.

Markus learned how to walk at nine months old, while Hudson learned how to walk at exactly twelve months old.

"All done." Hudson said then put his arms up for me to pick him up. I threw away his banana peel, then picked him up and went back to the living room with both boys.

I laid Markus down on the couch and covered him with a blanket, then sat Hudson down next to him. I was about to sit down with him, when someone knocked on the door.

"Can I come with you?" Hudson asked looking at me. "Yeah." I picked him back up, then walked over to the door and opened it.

It was Ellie and Olivia. "Aw, just imagine seeing Bentley answering the door in a few years with his own baby!" Ellie said to Olivia. "How would I have my own kid?" I chuckled.

"Boy you are so dumb." She said hitting my head as they both walked into my house. "That didn't answer my question...and ow!"

She just rolled her eyes and sighed. "She means you and Alex could have a surrogate." Olivia said. "We talked about it, but we don't want a stranger to have our kids." I said as I handed Olivia, Hudson.

"How many kids are you guys wanting to have?" She asked as she put Hudson on her hip. "Two or Three." I answered. "I'll do it...If you guys want to..." She said.

"You would have Mine and Alex's kids?" I asked just to clarify. "Yes, as long as I get to be their godmother." "Technically, you would be their actual mom." "They don't need to know that. To them, I will be aunt Olivia." "You're the best." I said hugging her.


"Bentley Grier." I walked onto the stage, took my diploma from the principal, shook his hand, took a picture with him, then walked back to my seat. I watched as everyone else in my grade did the same thing, then we all stood up and threw our caps in the air.

I can't believe I'm done with high school! It's crazy to think that the next few steps in my life will lead to the rest of my life.

I met up with my family and friends and was instantly given Markus. "Good....Job." He said to me with his cute little smile. "Thank you Markus." I said kissing his cheek.

Instead of going to a huge party like everyone else, My friends and I went back to my house and played videos games in my bedroom and talked about our futures.

"Out of all of us, Bentley and Alex will get married first, Ellie and I, then Olivia if she ever finds anyone." Luca teased and she just shoved him. "Shut it Luca." She laughed.

"First college, then marriage, then kids." I said while beating Alex in Mario Kart. "We should all move into houses on the same street and grow old together." Ellie said. 

"Why does that sound like such a great story to tell our kids? We all mostly grew up on the same street, then moved somewhere new together and lived the rest of our lives together." Alex said with a chuckle.

"We are all living the perfect life." I said smiling. "I love you guys." Olivia said then pulled us all into a hug. "We love you too Liv." We all said back.

I wouldn't trade any of this for the world.

Last kid raised by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now