Chapter 6

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I had to wake up earlier than I usually do, this morning because I have to wake Alaya up and make sure she gets to school.

After she left, I started getting ready for school. I took a quick shower, then got dressed and ate breakfast.

After I ate, I quickly grabbed everything I need, then ran out the door and to the bus stop. When I got there, Ellie and Olivia were sitting on the curb talking.

I was about to say hi to them, when I was almost knocked off my feet by Alex bumping into my and hugging me. "I told my parents and they were very supportive of me!" He said excited.

"You told your parents that you were gay?" I asked just to clarify. He nodded his head really fast with a huge smile on his face.

"I'm happy for you." I said as I pulled him into a big hug. He looked up a little bit and kissed me. I smiled and kissed back. So what if people are watching? I like this boy...maybe even love...

We pulled away when we heard the bus coming. We got on the bus and sat in the very back. Since the bus ride is pretty long, we just talked about random things and went through Alex's Instagram.

"Can I please post this picture?" I begged. "Yes." He said with a chuckle. I screenshotted it, then post it on my Instagram.

"Well hello there😍😍😍 @AlexLange" Is what I captioned it

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"Well hello there😍😍😍 @AlexLange" Is what I captioned it. "You're such a dork." He said with a chuckle then rested his head on my shoulder.

"Your dork." I said with a wink then chuckled. "Mine all mine." He said with a cheesy smile. I smiled because of his smile then took a picture of us.


We just got to school and everyone is staring at me. I just ignored all of their stares and walked to my locker and grabbed all of my books for class, then walked to my first class of the day with Olivia.

We sat down in the back of the class, away from everyone else and just talked until the teacher showed up.

I was doing my work, then a piece of paper landed on my desk. I looked up and looked around to see who put it on my desk and noticed the kid at the front of the class looking at me.

I picked up the piece of paper and opened it. It read: "Are you really Famous?"  I looked back at him and nodded. I expected the note to say something about me being gay, but this was better I guess.

He turned around, so I just started working on my schoolwork until another note landed on my desk. It read: "How did you become famous???" I wrote back. "I was born into a famous family."

I handed it to the kid in front of me, and they passed it back to him. I finished my assignments and got up and walked towards the front of the class and turned them in, then made my way back to my seat.


I am now in my second class for the day and we are kind of having a free day, so everyone is just in groups around the classroom talking.

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