Chapter 19

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Today, I have to babysit my neighbor's daughter. I'm kind of not really excited at all. I'm use to babysitting babies that you just have to feed or change, then put them back to sleep.

Their daughter is a year old, meaning I have to entertain her. If she would just sit through a few movies that would be great, but i don't know if she will.

I lay in my bed for a few more minutes just staring at my ceiling, then got up and got dressed for the day.

I put on an old t shirt that had paint all over it, and basketball shorts. I quickly went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, then went back to my room and grabbed my phone, then went downstairs.

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad! I'm going to the neighbor's house!" I shouted then walked out of the house before anyone could respond.

I started walking down the street when I heard yelling. I turned around and saw Joshua and that guy he was dating, I think, arguing.

I kind of just stood there watching, to make sure it didn't escalate to the point of them physically fighting.

They calmed down, then Josh went back inside and the other guy left, so I continued to walk to the neighbor's house. I don't even know their names, they recently moved in, so no one really knows them.

I got to the house and knocked on the door softly. I stepped back a little and waited for someone to answer the door.

A few minutes later a young, short, skinny woman with brown hair opened the door. "Hi, you must be Bentley." She smiled as she put her hand out for me to shake. "Yes." I smiled back and shook her hand.

"I'm Klaire Robert's, come on in." She said moving aside. I walked into the house and looked around, observing my surroundings.

There were a few boxes around the living room, but for the most part, their house was pretty much set up.

"Emmie is asleep upstairs, so you have about an hour before she wakes up, so please, make yourself at home. List of everything you need to know is on the fridge. Thanks bye." Mrs. Roberts said as her and her husband left.

I did that weird wave, where you just put your hand up then down, while oddly holding up three fingers. Once they were gone, I sat down on the couch and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

~2 text messages~
~Instagram Notification~
~Twitter Notification~ Notification~

I swiped away all of the Notifications, except for the text messages, then unlocked my phone and went into messaging. I had a text from Alex and a text from Olivia.

French Boy: Good morning.
Grier: Good Afternoon.
French Boy: Have you been sleeping this whole time? It's 1:30😂
Grier: Kind of. I'm at the new neighbor's house babysitting. The kid is still asleep, so I'm bored😂
French Boy: When do you get to go home?
Grier: At like 5.
French Boy: Ah man! I wanted to go to the movies with you, but the latest time for the movie that I can afford is 4:30.
Grier: What's the next time?
French Boy: 6:40
Grier: Okay, we'll watch the 6:40 showing.

French Boy: But I can't afford it.
Grier: I'll pay for it. You always pay.
French Boy: Fine, see you later.
Grier: I love you.

French Boy: ILYT

Livia: Hey, are you busy today?
Ben Hun Gri: Yeah, I'm babysitting why?
Livia: Dang it! I need Chocolate...and Ice cream.
Ben Hun Gri: Girl, you need to get a boyfriend. See if Ellie can give you that stuff.
Livia: She's at the beach with Luca and his family.
Ben Hun Gri: Ask Alex?
Livia: Okay. Bye Ben.

Last kid raised by Benjamin Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now