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Taeyeon and her dancers walk out from the stage after the spotlight was off.

"Here." Kibum handed a mineral bottle to her, knowing that she is exhausted from the dance.

They're now at SmTown Tour 2016. The schedule is going well.

"Thank you." She thanked him before gulping on it.

Exo passed them, they already in blazers with different style each them.

"Oh, good luck you boys!!" Kibum cheers for them. They smile to the two sunbaes.

Taeyeon in the other hand choke her drink silently. She actually have been avoiding him in this tour.

"Noona, gwaenchana?" Kai asked. He could guess the main reason that make the girl choke her drink but he decided to ignore it.

"Y-yeah." She smiles awkwardly to Kai.

"We should go up there now. Our performance is next." Baekhyun ordered coldly. All the eyes are on him before Suho shakes that away.

"Let's go guys." He said. Taeyeon watches them go from behind.

I'll support you from back.


Baekhyun passed the line that he has to sing. He walks around the stage and high five with his lucky fans. The audience became more wild, wanting to feel his hand on them.

He ignores it and smile, continue to walk. His smile faded when he see a banner of him and her, which is big enough for him to see.

Oreos are forever with you, Love you, BAEKYEON.

He hits the reality when Xiumin put his arm around his shoulder. He looks at Xiumin and put a force smile on his face before putting his arm on Xiumin's shoulder too. They walked together to the main stage to finish the song.


"Why are you spacing out?" Chen asked Baekhyun after staring at him for a while.

"Pardon? I'm not." His body jumped caused of the shock, proofing enough that he lied.

"You're playing with your food since then." Chanyeol said with his full mouth.

"Don't talk while eating, hyung. You're gross." Sehun said with disgusted face.

"Hyung, is it because of her again?" Kai asked. This is not the first time Baekhyun acting like this.

Maybe he did not show it in front of them, but he always like that when he is alone.

"No. I'm okay. Just feeling a slight tired." Baekhyun force a smile before eating his food. He chews it excitedly, hoping that they will buy his lie.

Suho gives his members a signal, before all of them nod secretly and decide to let Baekhyun pass.

We are one, right?


"Are you sick?" Yuri asked Taeyeon who is resting on the couch. She comes to take some coffee powder for her breakfast since she already finish her own.

"I don't know, either." She answers it. She could feel her body burning since yesterday but she thought that it is just because of the weather shock.
Yuri walks to her with the packets, she put her hand on her forehead.

"I think it is the beginning of the flu. You better get rest. Do you still want to go to the concert?"

"This is the last day, I've to go." She said. Yuri didn't shock for her answer, she knows very well that Taeyeon loves to be with her fans.

"Get rest for now. I'll wake you up later." She pats the older head before walking out.


Taeyeon leaned her side against the wall. She feels like she would collapse anytime.

Luckily, nothing happened in the last day at the tour. At least she could finished it.

"Hyemin unnie told to wait in lobby until she come." Sooyoung informed. They walk to the lobby and sit there.

"Are you okay, unnie?" Seohyun asked.

Taeyeon didn't tell them that she is sick. She also lied to Yuri that her fever already cooling down after the concert.

"I'm okay. I want to buy the drink there for a minute." She said and stand up. She almost fall but success on stable herself. She walks to the cafe slowly.

"Can I have one hot chocolate?" She ordered.

She takes out her money from the sweater's pocket and hand it out to the cashier.

"Make it into two." She flinched at the cold voice. She turns her head beside and saw Baekhyun gave his money to the cashier.

"What are you doing?" Forgetting about her sickness, she asked.

"Treating my sunbae." He answers simply.

"You don't have to." Knowing that there is no function to arguing, she gives up and keep her money back.

They waited for the drink in silence before Baekhyun broke it.

"Are you sick? You look terrible."

"Not at all." She said, trying to sound confident.

"You will never buy a hot drink unless if you have a bad sick or the weather is too cold." He scoffed.

"Don't act like you know everything about me." She said, sighing.

Stop making me thinking that you still care about me, Byun Baekhyun.

"Here." Baekhyun hand her the hot chocolate.

"Thanks, I'll pay back to you next time." She said as she takes it with her shaking hand. If he is not here, maybe she already sit down on the ground due to the dizziness.

"Do you really can walk there yourself?" Can't hide his worries, he asked in concern.

"Y-yes." She stutters.

"Be safe." He mumbles slowly, letting her go. She nods, walking away.

Her eyes become blurry, and his voice is the last thing that she heard.

I'm sorry for the long hiatus. There is a reason.

Bye! Please stay tuned until last!

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