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First at all, I would like to say sorry if I had skipped many events and scenes like Asia Song Festival and etc. I'm also apologise from the bottom of my heart if this story doesn't meet your expectation.

Before we start, I want to say that I've actually posted this chapter before, but it seems like something about the setting was confusing me, and I accidently unsaved the published chapter, and all my 30 minutes writing is waste! Oh God, I don't know how much my heart breaks at that time. So I'm sorry if this chapter is a lot of less than the others.

So, enjoy!


[Trending] Girls' Generation's Taeyeon is reported to have been involved in a 3-car crash.  

Everyone that exist in this world make mistakes. It is the basic of life. The car accidents also happen basicly everyday. But today it just happened to the famous Girls Generation's member, Kim Taeyeon.

Opening her eyes slowly, the bright light hit it as she blinks them twice. She looks around, as the memories start coming back to her. The scene where left a lot of traumatized in her.

Sitting up, she considers that she don't get any injury from the chest pain. Maybe it is just from the seatbelt.

"Are you feeling better?" Her manager barge in when he noticed that she already wake up from outside. Taeyeon smile bitterly before nodding, signaling that she is okay.

"How about the others driver? What's their conditions?" She asked. The slight of guilty is too obvious on her face. 

It is her careless mistake after all.

"They're already in a good condition."

"Urm, my fans?" 

Her questions make him had enough. She will always minding over someone else before herself. He is waiting for her question about her own condition, but it seems like she don't care about herself.

"SM already released out the statement that you're okay." He answers without looking at her.

She asked 'fans', not 'netizens', right?

"The doctor said that your chest pain is only from the seatbelt, since you get bumped with the seatbelt on." He said, since it not seems like she gonna ask about that. He can't help but to glance on her phone, worried if she would open it and read the negative comments.

"You can recover now. Let's go. We need to go to the police station after this." He said, picking up all her things. 

As they reached the door, Taeyeon stops him. "Can I apologise to the others driver myself?" She asked. A silver hope in her eyes somehow make him heaved a sigh.

"Sure, let's go."


Stepping out from the police station, she swear that it will be her first and last time stepping inside that scary place.

Getting inside her van, she stare outside the window. She promise herself to not turning on her phone. She is not ready for it.

She is scared.

She is afraid.

She is terrified.

3 years ago, she made a crime by loving someone, which she also asked herself if she is the criminal for falling in love.

Then, she got blame for Jessica's departure, which even she wondering if it is really her fault.

Now, who is she to run away from her own fault?


Her body trembling under the warm comforter, her hands are cold as ice even she is actually already get used to the air conditioner.

Tugging the end of the comforter with her fingers, her mind keep flash a scene where she rushed when the break wasn't functioning. The image of her car crashing on someone's car can't help to make her stops trembling.

She keeps herself to not thinking of something bad, like commiting her own suicide or hurting herself physically. She had enough with being such a burden at her family and her bestfriend everytime she did that.

The phone which she placed under her pillow doesn't stop vibrating. It is obviously from her family and friend, but yeah, she isn't ready to face them.

The news is surely shock all her family and close person, since she is well known as a good driver, as she loves it too much.

The sound of door bump hit her sharp ears. She frowned at the sound, since only herself and her family know the password.

Standing up, she walks to the door slowly. She could heard the heavy breathing sound from outside. As she was about to hold the doorknob, the door opened.

There he was, Baekhyun with a worried face, breathing heavily to catch his breath. He takes a deep breath to calm his body which working hard to run from his dorm to her house.

Taeyeon's lips parted, but no words coming out from it. She wants to ask him where he got her password, but that's not important in this moment.

What did she even do to deserves this kind of person?

Baekhyun walks closer to her. She hold a fist, preventing her tears from flowing down. He stare down to her before pulling her to his embrace. Again, his heart is beating against her.

"Thanks God, you're safe and sound." He muttered slowly as he pressed his lips on the top of her head. He pats her head, enough to comfort her. 

"Don't blame yourself for what just happened. Past is past. Life a better present." He whispers.

Inhaling his sweet scent, hearing his calm heartbeats, that's just perfect together. She had promise herself to not crying in front of the others, but she just break it, because the one and only person in front of her, Byun Baekhyun.

They pulled away before staring at each other's eyes lovingly. "Why don't you answer my calls? I'm worried as hell." He pouted. Looking at him, she searched for the right answer. There is no way she would tell him that she is scared. Enough with making him running over here.

"Sorry, but how did you got my password?" She change the topic.

"Well, it is neither your birthday or mine." The thought of her using his birthday for her password making the corner of his lips lifted up. Taeyeon blushes at the truth.

0309-0506, what's so hard to guess it? 

Baekhyun take off his jacket before putting it aside. He climbs over her bed. Lifting up the comforter, he waits for Taeyeon to join him. "I'll sleep with you tonight."

Chuckling a little, she got beside him before snuggling to get closer. Baekhyun smile at her clingy side as he wraps his arms over her tiny waist comfortably.


Another update!

How was it? Isn't it suck? I was a little dissapointed that I need to write again, since the original is of course the best, right?

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