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The song titled 'MAMA' was turning on for a million times.
Baekhyun takes a deep breath before singing his part. But the song stop before he could even finish it.

"Byun Baekhyun! I have said that it has to hear brave, confident and harsh! This is the 50 times I told you. The same words. You want me to repeat it how many times again?!" The vocal trainer yelled.

Luckily, he was in the record room so his ears will not explode.

"I'm sorry." He replied, once again.

His vocalization has to change since the title track is not his usual vocal style. But it just have too many high note which 60% are his parts.

He wet his lips nervously.

"Just stop here. Let's continue tomorrow." The producer said, barging out from the room.
Baekhyun heaved a sigh as he steps out from the recording room.

"Are you okay?" Kyungsoo who is having a recording session same with him asked in concern. The latter just nod slowly.

"I'm going to practice a little more before going to our dorm. You can go first." He said.

"Really?" He still looks worried. Baekhyun fakes his smile and nod.

Patting his back, Kyungsoo takes his leave after promising that he will keep the dinner for him.

Once he stepped out, Baekhyun quickly sit down and rubbed his face in frustration. He can't supressed his tears anymore so he released it all.

"What am I gonna do now?" He asked himself.

What if he will never could reach the high note with the new vocalization?

"Baekhyun?" He heard the soft voice. He immediately wipes his tears as he looks up.

"Taeyeon sun-- noona." He stands up quickly and bow.

"Are you okay?" She asked and steps in. Her face shows much concern. "Why did you cry?"

"I'm not."

"You're lying. Just tell me. It is okay not to be okay. You don't have to control your gentleness." She said and smile.

"Worried because of the high note?" She asked. He nods slowly, wondering if he should tell her about his problem.

She of course already have much problems as a leader and who knows he will just add the things that she has to think.

"I have been like that too." She said, throwing his though away.

"Remember my highest high note in The Boys? Last year comeback." She asked.


He could still remember how his jaw dropped for a minute hearing the high note of hers.

"I have to record it for a week until I finally got it. It is also hard for me. The note is just too high." She continued.

"You don't have to give up. It is just a beginning for the idol life. You still have many chance." She added, as her eyes meet his.

They seem lost in each other eyes until his phone ringing, become such a distraction. He startled and automatically broke the contact.

From: Kyungsoo Owl
Are you okay? We are freaking worried about you. Suho hyung is about to search you there.

To: Kyungsoo Owl
I'm okay. I will go now.

He turns off his phone.

"Thank you, noona. I owe you for that great advice." He said as they stand up together.

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