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"Oh my God, look at Chanyeol's face! He has went through a hard time holding his laugh!" Taeyeon's ahjumma laugh echoed all over her living room, showing how much the video bring her happiness.

Baekhyun at other hand stared at her in amusement. It was already 30 minutes since she watched that video, but she still has not over it yet. He mentally cursed himself for telling her that embarrassing moment of him.

"But really! This Byun Baekhyun that always showed his masterpiece vocal on stage finally had his voice cracked in front of all the people?" She faced him, holding his cheek so that he can't move his head anywhere. She studies his face, before bursting into her rare laughter back.

"The funniest thing is, all the members were in emotional mood, but suddenly you-- pfft, ahahahahahaa!"

Baekhyun heaved a sigh, messaging his head continuously. He has no idea how to stop the girl from laughing over him, but deep inside his heart, he was glad, that she can laugh, after went through the big loss of her life. 

"Aigoo, my stomach-- it's hurt!" Her laughs become slow, as she hold her stomach.

"Happy much?" He asked, glaring at the older. She grins, still trying hard to repress her laugh.

"I need water. My throat is dry." She said, finally get her sense back. Standing up, she stumbles for a while, still feel dizzy after rolling all over the floor laughing.

"Do you want to eat anything? I can prepare it for you." She volunteers, as her hand open the fridge, taking the cold water.

"I'm not in a mood after someone laughing at my embarrassing incident." He said. He crossed his arms on his chest, showing that he is sulking.

"Well, sorry for that Baek. It just too funny." She bid her apology to him, feeling guilty. She hoped that he will not feeling down because of her.

She finished her drink, before walking to the sofa, checking on him. "Did you really sulking with me right now? Please don't. I'm just teasing you. I cracked my voice too, sometimes before." She said, but Baekhyun was ignoring her. He plays with Zero and Ginger as if they are his dog and their owner is nowhere there.

"Fine, I'm going to sleep now. Since I'm no longer belong here." She gives up, walking away to her room. Baekhyun knows her well, he knew how Taeyeon would do everytime he is sulking with her. She will ignores him back, and make him completely feeling guilty as if it is his fault after all.

His action was fast, and in a blink of eyes, she already in his arms, and he is holding her with bridal style. "Y-yah!" She was flustered, and her arms naturally wrapped around his neck.

He brings her to her room, before throwing both of them onto the bed. He lifts the comforter and cover both of them with it, before pulling her to his embrace. Her head rested against his chest, as his lips pressed on her hairlines. "Let's sleep now. I'm tired."

Her lips immediately curved up, hearing that warm voice of him. "But I already promised Zero to sleep with--"

"Shh, I know you miss to sleep in my arms. Just sleep." He whispers. His eyes slowly getting heavier.

She let out a chuckle, and at the same times she admitted that. It has been a long time since they last sleeping together, and she miss that feeling. Bury her face on his chest, inhaling his gentle scent. The feeling of getting protected by someone she loves.

Without knowing, they both fall asleep at the same times, while their feeling grew harder to each other, as if what they felt before were not enough.

Really short chapter for this late comeback! 

Long time no see, my lovely readers! I'm getting busier with school thingy, and don't have enough time to update all my works that I left. The reason why I finally updating is because I got two weeks for resting. A week ago, I was suspected to have appendicitis, and yes, I was. I already had my first operation ever in my life, luckily it just a minor operation.

Don't know why, but I currently is missing all my ships (Baekyeon and Bangtanvelvet), no matter how much I replayed their moments. My long for them, I never imagined I'll miss them this much. It's like I want to face them, tell them to get married right in this moment, but it sounded so far away.

Yeah, it suddenly became a confession of mine, and guess I've to stop now. Chapter -39- is already in my mind, but let's just hope I'll not too lazy this week.

I know that many readers already forget the storyline, or maybe already leaving the notification update alone in their inbox(?), I also had that times, when the stories in my library haven't update after 3 and 4 months. I know that feeling. That feeling when you really want to shove your phone to the authors, telling them to update soon and faster. But yeah, now I understand their situations, but I also can't forgive myself for making a false hope that I'll update regularly. Sorry for that.

Okay, it becomes more longer. Enough with this. Please stay tuned! Goodnight!

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