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"Should I? Or not?" She asked herself for a thousand times, staring at the oreo cupcake.

"But he already gave me on my birthday.." She mumbles.


'Ting, ting.' The doorbell ringing.

Taeyeon roll on her bed, too lazy to get up. She sit up from her laying, staring at the calendar on her desk.

Today is my birthday..

She get down from her bed, walking slowly to the door. She manage to tie her hair to a messy bun before opening the door.

The frown formed on her forehead, looking around if there is a person who ring the bell.

"This is strange, did I just get a prank?" She mumbles. As she wants to close the door, her eyes catch a bouquet of purple flower and a small gift box which is surprisingly purple too.

"This flower.. It is familiar.." She muttered under her breath as she take it from the floor.

This is not from him right?

She opened the box in curious, revealing a cute oreo cupcake which has 'TY' as the decoration. She take the small card that placed in the bouquet.

'Happy birthday, my precious angel! You're always be my angel even the devil is against us. If you know what I mean.. I love you, always..'

She blinks her eyes in tears.

Again, he didn't even forget my birthday even though I've pushed him away for millions times..

Her lips formed a thankful smile before getting in to her house back.


It is rude if I didn't give anything at his birthday, right?

"Is it for him?" The old man asked, making her thought all gone. She shot her head up, looking at him and his wife that watching her since then.

"We miss seeing your guys coming here together. It has been a long time. Last time he came here is at your birthday." His wife said.

Now that she remembered, this is their favourite place to date before.

"I know what happened to you from my daughter. It's okay. You still have us for a support." The old man said.

At least this old man and his family is supporting them.

"I don't know either, what's happened to us." She said in slow voice.

"Go on my dear, love is not a crime." He said.

If it is not a crime, why they treated us like a criminal when we date each other?

"Here." The old man once again snapped her to reality. He handed her a plastic bag.

"We will give it to you for free, send our regard to him, okay?"


"And now, how should I give it to him?" She cursed under her breath as she drives to SM building. Luckily, she knows that he will have a dance practice from Kasper SNS, so she has a place to go at least.

She knows that she can just pass the cupcake to someone else, but since the old couple wanted to send their regards to him, it is rude for her not send it herself.

Not realizing, she has arrived at the building. She heaved a sigh, getting out from the car with the plastic bag at her hand.

She make her way to the practice room. Her footsteps feel heavy, like something bad will happen.

As her hand reached the doorknob, a girl's voice greeted her ears.

"Did she even meet you?"


That's Baekhyun.

"Yes, the girl that used to make you suffer. Did she even will to waste her time just to meet you on your birthday like what you do to her?"

"What're you trying to say now, Hera-sshi?"

Hera? The girl that had a kissing scene with him in the drama?

"I mean, you got scolded by the director just because you late to give her the birthday gift, but did she even pay back your willing?"

He got scolded because of me?

"I will never regret to take my time just for her, Hera-ah. I will never take it as a 'waste'. And if you want to know, I never regret suffering for her. Stop insulting her."

The silence is broke with Hera's deep sigh.

"I'm sorry if my words were too harsh. You know, I'm your friend and I feel pity with you who is waiting for her which is somehow impossible."

"I'm sure that she will come. Even if she is busy, she will at least remember my birthday. I believe that."

The door flung open, revealing Baekhyun who is shock to see the person right in front of him. Taeyeon peek a little behind him to meet Hera's guilty eyes.

"H-hi?" She greets them nervously.

"I come here for--"

"You heard that?" Baekhyun's question cut her.

She let out a tired sigh. "Let's just pretend like I don't hear it." She said. Hera doesn't dare to look up.

Baekhyun stares down at her before pulling her along with him. Their footsteps echoed along the corridor before getting into an empty training room.


"Why did you let yourself getting scold?" Taeyeon asked before he could say anything.

He didn't bother to answer it and just stare into her eyes, sending the butterflies in her stomach.

"Stop hurting yourself, Byun Baekhyun." She begged.

"I'm not hurt, as long as it is for you." He said.

Her eyes already full of tears, but it seems like it is too tired to let the tears out. Her condition just make his heart getting more clenched.

He pull her arms, close with him. He hold the back of her head before planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Believe me, for me, the sufferness only come everytime I see you cry. Never in my mind get tired when I'm with you."

He said. His cold hands cupped her cheeks to get a better angle of her face. They lost into each other's eyes.

Baekhyun angle his face as he leaned in. His moist lips pressed against her soft ones. She replied it back, making him smile between the kiss.

Love is not a crime..

We believe it..

Uhh, cringy.
Just want you to know that...

I love them!!!

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