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"The fanchant is so loud. I can't stop smiling on the stage." Yuri said. It makes them feel appreaciated for all their hard work.

"I know right." The other agreed. They all busy checking their SNS for the latest picture of their comeback performance.

"I'm proud that Baekhyun is much braver now," Yoona whispers to Taeyeon as she start chuckling non-stop. Taeyeon can't lift her head from the phone. Her face already red with all the tease. Luckily, it is only Yoona who noticed the scene, or else, all the girls will boombarding her.

They are now waiting for their manager to pack the stuff, and they will go to their dorm.


"Noona, goodbye. Meet again at the Music Core!" Chen and Xiumin said when they passed them.

"Where is the others?" Seohyun asked as she looks around if there are them.

"They ae still in the room. We're actually from the washroom." Xiumin answer her curiousty. Their lips make an 'o' shape.

"Okay, meet again later. Send our regard to the others." Sunny pats their shoulder before all of us step out from the building to our van.


47 missed calls from Baekhyunnie~~

From: Baekhyunnie~~

Noona, I'm sorry..
Seen 8.07 p.m.

Seen 8.08 p.m.

Don't ignore me please..
Seen 8.09 p.m.

Taeyeon widened her eyes at the large number. She forgot about her phone that she off, which she left in her jacket's pocket. She never thought of ignoring him. Sighing deeply, she decide to call him back. At the 3rd rings, he already answer it.

"Hello, Taeyeon-ah!"

"Yes, this is me. What's wrong with you?"

"I thought you're mad with me because of earlier."

"I'm planning to actually."

"Yah, I'm just teasing you."

"I know. Let's not talk about this. It is already passed anyway."

It's not that she is lazy to talk with him, but she doesn't have a mood to sulk this night.

"What're you doing now?"

Taeyeon lay on her bed comfortably. "Going to sleep. We will have a fan signing tomorrow." 

"Aigoo, my baby need to sleep early tonight."

She chuckle at his words. She close the lamp and positioning her soft pillow and blanket to get more comfortable. She close her eyes. "Sing me a song." 

The request that she always made everytime she wants to sleep. Baekhyun smile, the question is what he waiting from her when she told that she wants to sleep.

"What song?"


Baekhyun take a deep breath before singing one of his favourite song, My Turn To Cry.

Taeyeon smile at the choice. She knows how much Baekhyun loves this song, just how Taeyeon loves when he sing it. Especially when he sing solo in EXO concert.

Remember, when things were hard,
I always turned your tears into smiles.
Don't cry in places without me, don't cry,
Because you always had a lot of tears.

No, it's my turn to cry, I'll cry now,
I'll take all of your tears.
It's my turn to cry, give them to me.
Even those tears, this time,
This time yeah.

Your shy smile and gentle eyes,
I want to hug you, what do I do?
Don't cry in places without me, good-bye,
Because I can't lend my shoulders anymore.

I love you (I still love you so much, I miss you)

Don't cry (Please be happy in that place)

I'm missing you.

The tears falling from her closed eyes slowly. Her lips curved into warm smile. Her feelings is mixed. The song describe them so well.


His sweet voice echoed in her ears. Only his breath could be heard. He is waiting for her respond. He wants to make sure that she is sleeping before ending up the call.

"Already sleeping?" 

Baekhyun lowered his voice. He smile at the thought of her sleeping while hugging her pillow. "Goodn--"

"I love you, Byun Baekhyun." Her sleepy mumble cut his words. He froze at the words.

Could he know how fast his heart beating right now?

"Wh--" His words get cut again when the cute calm snores could be heard. He shake his head as he chukles slowly, doesn't want to wake her up.

"I love you too, Kim Taeyeon."

"Goodnight, my princess."

2 chapter enough? Or more?
Love them too much!!

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