*Bonus Chapter 2*

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Warning : This chapter will not included BaekYeon moments, I just want to write about Jonghyun and Taeyeon 'Lonely' collaboration, so I become more focus to the Kim Sibling. So if you want to skip at *29*, then it's okay.

This is actually should become *28* since this is before Baekhyun's birthday, but since I forgot about this, I make it becomes *Bonus Chapter 2*

(Taeyeon Pov)

I groan at my phone's ringtone. I roll on my bed to get closer to my table lamp before grabbing the damn phone. I look at the screen. 

Lee Soo Man 

I frowned at the name. Today was supposed to be my rest day, so why I need to get a call from the company?

I answer it lazily. "Yes?"

"Did you just awake from your sleep?" His professional voice greets my ears. "No," I lied with my most sober voice that I could make.

"Great. Come to my office. 20 minutes from now." He orders. The order make me widened my eyes.

"2-20 minutes?!" He laughs at my shock voice. For some reason, now I am thinking about how the SM family could be more comfortable with Mr. Lee Soo Man than that Kim Young Min.

"Yeah, what's wrong with it? I bet that you already wash yourself since you have wake up early today?" He said in tease tone.

 "Y-yeah, but today is my rest day, why I've to go there?" 

"Some things to discuss. There is a guest, hurry up." He said before ending up. I whine as I throw my phone anywhere on the bed.

Grabbing the towel, I step in the shower and wash up as fast as I could. I open my closet in rush. Staring at my clothes, I spacing out there, with a sudden blank mind.

20 minutes..

20 minutes..

20 minutes..

It feels like a shock strike my mind before I grab into one t-shirt and trousers. 

"Don't care about the looks, who the one told me to come just in 20 minutes?" I mumble to myself. Taking the black jacket that have been hanging behind the door, I take the key in the pocket and run to my car.

 Taking the black jacket that have been hanging behind the door, I take the key in the pocket and run to my car

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I lock my car before stepping in the cold building. I catch up the lift, taking me into 3rd floor. My footsteps echoed all over the corridor until it comes to his office. I take a deep breath before pulling the doorknob.

"30 minutes, Ms Kim." The familiar yet vocalist voice greet me. I scrunched my face when I see Jonghyun. He motion me to sit beside him. 

"Seriously, the guest is him?" I bow at Mr. Lee Soo Man as I take a seat.

Respect is also need, guys..

"Yes, why did you make a face like that?" He answers with a smile.

"Maybe I should come a bit late if I know that it is him." I pouted before earning a powerful glare from him.

"So, let me tell you." Soo Man started.

"Jonghyun has makes a new song for his digital song. We will not make any album for this digital. He write it himself, and he was thinking if he should do a duet. After discussing with me for a minute before I called you, he thinks that he wants to has a duet with you again, since the SM The Ballad project before, 'Breath', is successful, so why not now?" He explained, making my jaw dropped.

A duet with Jonghyun is a pleasure for her, since his voice and her voice are quiet great when it collided together before. 

"Can I hear the demo song and the lyrics?" I request. 

"Sure." Jonghyun give me the paper and play a song in his phone. 

(No One Pov)

Taeyeon was taken aback by the lyrics. The feeling is same like when she got to hear My Voice album, but this time, it feels like someone understand our feeling.

"O-oh, it's good." She stutter. Jonghyun stare at her with worried eyes. Beside Heechul and Minho, he is her other boy close friend that she comfortable to talk with.

"So, do you agree?" Soo Man asked. He knows. He knows what Taeyeon's thinking right now. The reason why he and Jonghyun choose her is because they know that Taeyeon can delivers her feelings along with the song.

Taeyeon looks at Jonghyun face who is hoping for her to take the offer. She finally slipped out. "Sure, I agree."


"Here." Jonghyun come to their table with a slice of Oreo cake and two glass of americano. They picked a corner table that could be the most hide than other tables.

"You know my favourite." Taeyeon said in excitement. 

"Of course. You're already become my sister." He said. She takes the spoon and let the piece of cake get in her mouth.

"So, we will record this song, next week. Are you okay with that?" He asked before sipping on his americano.

"Great. I'm free next week." Taeyeon nods.

Jonghyun cleared his throat as the silence fill the atmosphere.

"Did you, really okay with the song?" He asked in careful way.

"I'm okay." Taeyeon try to make a confident face. But hell no, even if Jonghyun didn't know her well more than Baekhyun, It still can't deny the fact that Taeyeon can't lying.

"You're lying."

The americano that slipped through her throat feels bitter than always. She avoid Jonghyun eyes.

"Uh, fine. It just feel like, finally, someone understand our situation, and it's somehow feels  bitter, you know." She said. 

"I'm actually thinking of you when I write it." He said, smiling.


"Yeah, I got the idea when I saw you and Baekhyun avoided each other in the latest SM concert. You know, me and Minho always watching you and him." He continued. The pink shades rush into her cheeks.

They didn't see me stole some glance at him, right?

"Noona," He called me with a soft voice. I look at him.

"I'm sure, that the fans will understand you and him one day, maybe for a thousand year, but still, they will see your love to him. Believe me. Don't be hurt again." 

I'm facing a problem!!
My mom force me to meet a dentist tomorrow since my teeth not in a good condition now, and I'm afraid!!

Please wish for me..

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