Chapter 4 Will the truth reveal?

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I don't know if you realized it or if I have already write it down but I'm telling it anyway.

When Yami is in school he have the school uniform( A dark blue jacket with dark blue pants, black shoes and a black top.) and when he's not at school he has the cloths that I wrote about in the beginning.

But for know, have a good reading!!!


When Yami woke up he had a big headache, he could barely remember that he had promise himself to tell the the truth to Joey, Tristan and Yugi, and maybe he could figure out who it was that followed him al over the place.

He stretched and looked around in the room.

" The feeling again. " He said whit a sigh and stood up. After a time he walked downstairs and saw his parents ate breakfast, fast he opened the door and walked out.

He sighed in relief, glad that they hadn't seen him and started to walk down the driveway, to school.

" Yami! " Yelled someone behind him and he turned around. Yugi came running to him and when he came there was he forced to crouch in order to get air to his lungs.

When his breath was back to normal looked he up at Yami, who looked nervously around.

" Hey Yami. " Yugi said and Yami looked at him.

" Hey Yugi. " He answered.

" Is something wrong? " Yugi asked and Yami looked confused at him.

" No, why do you ask that? " Asked Yami while he continued to walk to school and Yugi walked up to him so they walked side by side.

" You look nervous. " Yugi answered and Yami looked confused at him.

" I do? How? " He asked

" Well... You looked around and looked very nervous when you did that, how can you not know that? " Yugi asked worried. Know he was starting to get really worried about Yami, he was acting weary strange.

" No, didn't notice that... I wonder what I looked for? " Yami said loud to himself so that Yugi didn't hear, and when Yugi was about to say something he was interrupted by Joey, yelling behind them.

" Hey Yug, Yami. " He yelled and they turned around, to see Joey, Tristan and..

" Tea? " Yugi said confused. " Wasnt it tomorrow you would come him? "

" It went faster than I taught. " Tea answered and Joey looked at them both weary confused.

" What are you two talking about? " He asked and they all looked at him.

" Tea was whit her grandmother. Didn't you know that? " Tristan asked and Joey shakes his head.

" Why haven't.... Hey were is he going? " Joey asked and pointed at the spot Yami stood just seconds ago.

" What do you mean? " Yugi asked and turned around, just to see Yami disappear into the population.

" Yami! " Yugi yelled and ran after him, whit the others right behind.

Yugi steeped in front of hi map but his eyes got wide when he looked at Yami.

His once violet eyes was know crimson, and a dark aura surrounded him.

" Yami? " Yugi said whit a confused voice, but he didn't care about him and almost walked straight in to him.

Yugi looked confused after him when Joey and the other two run up to him.

" What's wrong Yugi? " Tea asked.

" Something wrong.. Something is veery wrong whit him. " Yugi answered and just then Yami stopped. He didn't move at all, it was like he was frozen in time, and when Yugi opened his mouth to say something Yami feel down on the ground.

" Yami! " They all yelled and ran up to him.

" He's unconscious. " Tristan said and took up him, whit help from Joey.

" When should go to the hospital. " Tea said and they other nodded.

" But the school is closer, maybe is better to go there.. " Yugi said and they other looked at him.

" I think you're right, come on. " Joey said and they walked to school.

One hour later woke Yami up.

He looked confused around when the door opened and the school nurse came in.

" Good you're awake. " She said whit a smile and sat down on a chair in front of the bed.

" What happened? " Yami asked and put a hand on his head, he couldn't remember anything.

" You feel unconscious on the way to school, and you're friends took you here. "'The school nurse answered.

" I did? I can't remember anything. " Yami answered and the nurse got a worried look in her face.

" What can you remember? " She asked.

" I and Yugi talked about something that I was doing, but didn't notice, then it's all black. " Yami answered and the nurse looked worried a little time and stood then up.

" Wait here. " She said and Yami nodded.

A few minutes after she leaved the door opened and Yugi walked in.

" Hey. " He said when he saw Yami. " Can I..? "

" Sure. " Yugi walked to Yami and sat down on the bed.

" How do you feel? " He asked whiteout looking at him.

" Good... Yugi I need to tell you and the other something.. Important. " Yami said and Yugi looked up to him.

" What is it? " He asked.

" Can I tell you.. When we somewhere else? " Yami asked and Yugi nodded.

Just the the nurse came in and they both looked up.

" When you feel like you can, you can walk back to class. I don't think this is very dangerous. " She said and they both nodded.

Then they both went out the room and walked in to the classroom.

After school they all went to Yugis house, every one, beside Yami, really exited about what he had to say.

Especially when he said that it has something whit his past to do, and something whit what happened to Yugi.



I hope you enjoyed it and if you did... You can probably already tell what I'm going to say....

Comment/ vote and to the next time PEACE!!!!

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