Chapter 17 Look back and you find the answer

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" Hey, Yami? " Yugi asked. They say on the couch in the livingroom and watched tv while they waited for the others to come. Gramps was out shopping food, so they were all alone.

" Hmm? " Yami asked and turned his head to look at Yugi.

" I.. I don want to make you mad but... " Yugi looked down on the floor and Yami tilted his head in conffusion. After a few minutes Yugi looked up. " Can you tell the whole story? " Yugi asked and Yami looked now more confussed.

" What story? "

" About the past... About your past " Yugi said with a low voice, but he didn't break the eye contact. Yami stared at him a few seconds before he looked down.

" You don't get it, do you? " Yami asked and Yugi shocked his head.

" I can't understand why your family hate you so much... and why your frineds did, that. " Yugi said and Yami sighed.

" Guess I have to tell you, I don't really want to, but... I know I can trust you. " Yami said and looked up, he looked at the TV, but his eyes didn't even see it. He could only see hid past, over, and over again. Those eyes with hatred, hatred towards him. He shocked his head to clear his head and locked his arms around his legs.

" Well, they didn't always hate me. When i was born, they loved me. I'm not exactly sure why they hate me, all i know is that they started to when my parents died, and i survived. " Yami said and Yugi looked a little surprised at him.

" But, shouldn't they... You know... Trust you, not hate you when your parents died? " Yugi asked and Yami nodded.

" Yeah, that was most people through, and i too. But they didn't, everything is my fault, i was the one who were suppose to die, why did i survive and not them? " Yami sighed and shocked his head. " Al those question were in those eyes, those eyes only filled with hatred. " Yugi looked at Yami with sad eyes.

" Why don't you feel, or look, sad when you talk about them? " Yugi asked when he saw Yamis eyes. He didn't look hurt at all, he didn't even look angry.

" I don't know, i guess i'm just... I don't care about them anymore, to tell the truth, i don't even see them as my family anymore. " Yami said, he didn't look away from the tv. But he still didn't even recognize what was happening on it. Those eyes, was still there, looking at him. Yami felt a shiver ran down his spine and he shocked his head. He hated this, he hated to think about those people, he hated them, they didn't do anything when his parents died, they didn't do anything when. Yami shocked his head again. This was no time for daydreaming.

" Yami? Did i say something wrong? " Yugi asked and Yami looked at him, he gave him a warm smile.

" No, Yugi, you didn't, i just, was lost in thoughts. " Yami said and Yugi smiled back at him. " Now, where was I? " Yami asked and Yugi giggled.

" You sounds like a storyteller. " Yugi said and Yami started to giggle he too.

" Whats wrong with that? I was telling a story right? " Yami said and Yugi punched him on the arm.

" Stop joking, You were talking about your... Family. " Yugi said and Yami nodded and looked back at the tv. His smiled vanished and he was back in his own world.

" As i said, my family loved me, but something was wrong, i didn't know what, but i overheard them one day, when they thought i was asleep. " Yami said and stopped, he took a deep breath and then he countinued. " I was only four, so I didn't understand what they were talking about. They said to my parents that they thought.... It would be better if I was with stepparents, if I wasn't... " Yami couldn't say the last words, he sighed and continued. " If I moved, that I was only going to give them trouble. My mom was the kind of person who never got iritated, she always had this mask on if something happened, she could take anything... I thought. I have never seen my mom so angry before. " Yami said and chuckled a little when he remembered it, it was the first time his mom got angry, or really showed it, and it actually scared him, he didn't know you could even get that angry... But at the same time, did it make him feel good, he know why she got that angry, he now that she cared about him, not only because he was her only soon, and not only for the fact that he was her son, it was because she loved him, she loved him with all her heart, and she would do anything to protect him, and that was exactly what she did.

" What did she do? " Yugi asked. He didn't know if Yami thought about it, but he was like he's mom there. 'I don't think I have ever seen Yami angry.' Yugi thought. Yami looked at him and then back at the tv before he answered.

" She yelled at them, she said that she didn't care if her son was different from other people, that she didn't want me to think that she, or my dad, didn't love me. " A bright smile was now on Yugis lips.

" She really loved you. " He said and Yami nodded.

" Actually... " Yami said, but before he had the chance to continue, someone knocked on the door and Yugi stood up.

" I guess the others are here. " Yugi said and started to walk to the door, but stopped when he felt a hand on his wrist and turned to look at Yami.

" Is it okey if we go somewhere else first? " Yami asked and Yugi looked confused at him and tilted his head.

" Where? "

" Home. "


I think i have 2 or 3 more chapters and then I'm done with this book, it actually feels kinda weird.

Anyway, i hope you liked the chapter. If you did, a vote and a comment would be really appreciated!^-^

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