Chapter 13 Some questions some answers

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Yami couldn't stop thinking about the words the demon had said the other day, --Soon two of you will exist!--

'What does he mean?' Yami sat on his bed, he had told the others what happened after his parents died, but he didn't tell them everything, and he didn't plan to do it either.

But right now didn't he have his family, or his friends on his mind, the only thing he could think about was that demon, and why he felt so... So weird. Like if there was something that was missing, but he didn't know what it was.

And it didn't get better when his head felt like someone struck a hammer on his head over and over again, and his vision started to get blurry. /You must rest./ Pain said in his head but Yami just shocked his head. 'I can't.' Yami answered and the door opened, Yugi walked slowly in and sat down on the bed beside Yami. But Yami didn't notice him before he started to talk.

" Yami, is something wrong? " Yugi asked and Yami jumped and looked up. He looked in to Yugis eyes and Yugi looked in his.

" Everything. " Yami answered and Yugi looked confused at him, he thought Yami would say 'nothing' or 'don't bother about me'. But Yugi was glad that Yami didn't say it, because it meant that Yami started to trust him, and he really wanted Yami to trust him, he wanted Yami to be happy, after everything he been through. He really loved Yami, and he was going to do everything for him.

" Then tell me, what is 'everything'? " Yugi asked and Yami looked down on the bed, he tried to get the right words. Yugi waited patiently. After a few minutes looked Yami up again.

" Everything... Nothing goes right and I don't get anything. " Yami said and Yugi looked puzzled at him.

" I don't understand, is it about... That demon you dreamed about? " Yugi asked and Yami nodded.

" It wasn't just a dream... He is real, but in my head, like Pain. " Yami answered and took a deep breath before he continued. Yugi was a little shocked that Yami actually talked to him about this, but after that night, Yami had started to trust Yugi more. He still had a little trouble with the others, but Yugi was glad that he talked to him.

" He said that there soon will be two of me... But I don't know what he means, there already is three of me, but he and Pain are just in my stupid head! " Yami said and Yugi could hear the anger in his voice on the last words.

The room went silent while Yugi thought about what Yami just said, but he could only came up with one answer, and he didn't, really didn't, like it.

" Maybe... Maybe he... Maybe he mean that he, somehow, will get a own body. Maybe he mean that he will create a body or something, and leave your head. " Yugi said and Yami looked a little shocked at him. They were both silent for a long time, and just looked at each other. After a few minutes looked Yami down on the bed. 'Can he do that?' Yami asked in his head. /I don't know, he was born from the anger and hearted you felt, and if he got enough energy, I'm afraid I think he can./ Pain answered and Yami swallowed nervously. 'But I was... For so long.' Yami said, and he could feel that Pain nodded. /That's why I'm so worried./ He answered and Yami looked at Yugi again.

" I think he can do that, the demon was born from my anger and hearted for... Almost everything I know, and I was in that mood, for very long. "

" So you mean that, if the demon has enough energy, he can... Create a body! " Yugi said. He could hear his fear in his voice, but he didn't think deeper about it. There was enough to think about already.

" Yes. " Yami said and nodded.

" We need to say this to the others, maybe..... Wait, when do we know that? " Yugi asked and Yami looked confused at him. " What do you meen? "

" when do we know he gets a body? " Yugi asked and Yami went silent for a moment and the shrugged.

" When I don't hear him I think. " He answered, and Yugi nodded.

" I hope it never happen. "

" I have a feeling it will. " Yami answered and Yugi throw his arms around him and Yami rested his head on Yugis shoulder.

I know, it is kinda short, but I couldn't make it longer, and I couldn't came up with another way to do this chapter, and I like this chapter, some questions and some answers.

And I'm sorry if it is a little... Weird, but you just have to live with it, because I promise, it will get much more weird, just because I like, LOVE, weird things!

So if you enjoyed comment/vote

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