Chapter 19 Dead eyes

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In the middle of the chapter, can it get a little confusing with Yami. So I will only say that he is not talking to Yugi, he is talking to himself, he have like a battle in his head, if you can say it that way. I hope this helps you to not get totally confused.


Yugi, Joey, Tristan and Tea sat on the couch in Yugis living room. Pain was in Yamis room and tried to calm him down. It was two hours since they came home, and Pain haven't come out yet, which only made Yugi more and more worried, until he couldn't take it anymore.

He stood up and walked away, the others looked after him, but they didn't go after, they didn't know what was up between Yami and Yugi, but they knew that Yami trusted Yugi more than anything.

Yugi opened the door to Yamis room and looked in. Pain sat on the bed with his eyes closed, he looked down on the floor and Yugi walked up to him and sat down on the bed.

Pain felt the bed move a little and opened his eyes, he looked at Yugi and then sighed and looked back at the floor.

" Is Yami okay? " Yugi asked and Pain nodded, and shocked his head.

" He is okey... But not happy. "

" What do you mean? " Yugi asked and Pain looked up and looked in Yugis eyes.

" Ask himself, maybe you can get something. " Pain answered, and before Yugi could say anything, was he gone, and Yami sat in front of him. But instead of those calm eyes that he always had, had he now eyes filled with fury.

" Yami? " Yugi asked and Yami looked up a little, his eyes softened when he looked at Yugi, but not much, Yugi could still see it. But it wasn't only anger that was in his eyes. If you looked really close, could you see sadness. " What's wrong, we are all worried about you! " Yugi said and Yami looked away, he put his arms around his legs, the same position he always sat in when something was troubling him.

Yugi moved closer and wrapped his arms around Yami, he could feel Yamis body slowly vibrate under him, and he knew that Yami was angry, but he didn't know what to do. He had never seen Yami angry before, every time his friends got angry, they just let them be for the day and the next day, was everything fine. But Yugi didn't know how Yami got when he was angry, and he didn't even now what Yami was angry for.

" Yami, what's wrong, please talk to me, it's not good to keep things to yourself when they hurts you. " Yugi said in a calm and warm voice, he tried his best to make Yami calm down.

The sound from Yugis voice made Yami calm down a little, but not much, he couldn't think clear, it was hard for him to concentrate on what Yugi was saying. " Yami please! " Yugi said again and he felt Yamis body calm down a little more. His breath was more normal, but he know that he was far from calm.

" Those morons! They don't deserve anything! " Yami said and his voice was dark with hatred, and Yugi felt a shiver go down his spine. But he forced himself to relax and looked at Yami.

" Who, Yami? "

" Yelling at me! It was my fault... It wasn't. " Yami said and Yugi looked at Yami, before he remembered something and his eyes widened. " Why did they leave? Why did they do it? Is it... Am I... " Yami put his hands on his head and shocked it.

Yugi was confused about what Yami was talking about, but at the same time, did he know exactly what he was talking about, and he knew he couldn't do anything right now. Yami was in his world, he couldn't hear Yugi, even if he screamed in his ear. He didn't know how he know that, he just did.

" Why! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! " Tears ran down Yamis cheeks and Yugi slowly rubbed his back. " I hated them... And now they're gone... Forever... " The door opened and Joey, Tea and Tristan walked in, they looked at Yugi who only gestured for them to be silent and they nodded.

Tea sat down on the bed and Joey sat down on the armchair and Tristan on a chair. They had heard Yami yell before, and wanted to know what happened.

Yugi didn't know if it would work, but it worked when Yami was asleep, so maybe it worked now to.

" Who is gone Yami? Is it your parents? " He asked and Yami was silent a long time, before he slowly shocked his head.

" Your family? Or step parents? " Yugi asked and once again, Yami shocked his head. Yugi was silent a time he too, he tried to remember what more people Yami knew before them. But he couldn't come up with anyone.

" Your friends? " Joey asked and they all looked at him, then back at Yami, when they saw... He nodded. It was hard to see, when he had his hands over his head, but they knew he did nod, the only question was, why? Why did he nod? Wasn't it their fault his parents were dead?

" I remember... Why? Why didn't I see? Why did i see it now? " Yami said and again, he was gone to his own world.

" Dead eyes... Those dead eyes, everywhere, everyone had them... Why didn't i see? they had it to. "

" Dead eyes? Did Yamis friends have dead eyes? " Yugi asked himself, he didn't count on an answer, and winced when he heard Yamis voice.

" Yes. " Yami looked up, his eyes looked almost like Pains, they still had the hatred in them, but wasn't as much as it was before. " When we were there, my parents leaved my for only a second and something happened. I saw my friends eyes. " Yami answered and looked down on the bed. " I didn't see it then.. But they looked so, dead. Its hard to remember what happened after that, i only remember someone yelling my name, and then something was on me... Then i was at the hospital. " Yami said and Yugi moved Yami closer to himself and Yami buried his face in Yugis chest, he didn't cry, he just didn't want to look at anything.

" What happened to them? What did your friends go? " Joey asked.

" Don't want. " Yami answered and shocked his head.

The sun was about to go down and the five friends sat in the living room and watched tv. Yami had calmed down, but he haven't talked since Joeys last question. /Is it just me, or is something missing?/ Pain asked and Yami looked up from the floor he had looked at, totally ignoring what was on the tv. 'What do you mean?' /Maybe it's nothing but.. Something feels wrong./ Yami raised and eyebrow and looked around. He looked at Tea, Tristan, Joey and then Yugi. Everything looked like it always had, everyone was there and... 'Wait... Your right, where is grandpa?' Yami stood up and walked in to Yugis grandpas room, but no one was there, he looked in the bathroom, no one there either. /I have a bad feeling about this./ 'Didn't you say that the demon was following us to my house, that you talked to him?' /That's right, why do you.../ Pain went silent when he realized what Yami was talking about. /He didn't call me an old man did he?/ Pain asked and Yami shocked his head no.


Yay another chapter!!

And about the name of the chapter, I couldn't come up with anything, so I just took a word from the chapter that I liked. Just don't ask why I chose "Dead eyes". I don't know myself.

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