Chapter 9 The Kiss

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Tha water dropped from Yamis hair and his clothes. His cheeks was read from the cold, and blood dropped from his arm.

He sat with his back against the wall, and his eyes were closed. A mark was on his forehead, (The thing on his head on the picture) green shine from it, but it was very weak, and after a minute, was it gone.

At the same time walked somebody up to him, he crunched down and touched carefully Yamis arm. Yami didn't respond and the boy looked uneasily at him.

~~Time skip, ten minutes~~

It didn't take long time to get Yami in the house. He laid him on his bead and walked out the room. He soon came back and washed Yamis arm clean. He then put a bandage on and waited for Yami to wake up.

It took about an hour before Yami slowly opened his eyes. He sat up and looked confused around, until he saw a person and looked at him.

" Yugi? " He asked and Yugi stood up and walked to him, he sat down on the bed beside him and looked uneasily at him.

" Shouldn't you be in the hospital? " Yugi asked and Yami looked first confused at him, but then he remembered and looked down.

" I should, shouldn't I? " He asked and now Yugi looked confused at him.

" What do you mean? " He asked and Yami looked up.

" Why am I here? " He asked and Yugi shocked confused his head.

" You were unconscious, and your arm was bleeding, so I took you here. " Yugi answered and pointed at Yamis arm, he looked down at it and his eyes widened when he saw the red bandage.

" How did I? That's... Strange... " He said and looked more confused than before.

" What's strange? " Yugi asked and Yami looked up.

" I... I don't remember what I did... I only remember that I was in the hospital. " Yami answered and Yugi looked shocked at him, but then he remembered something and moved closer to Yami.

" When we took you to the school nurse, you feel unconscious... But before that, your eyes changed color, and you didint remember that, do you think that happened? " Yugi asked and Yami nodded.

" Maybe.. " He said and looked down on the bed. He closed his eyes and tried to focus in Pain. 'Was it you?' He asked, and after a few minutes he could feel something in his body and he heard the voice he was waiting for. /No./ Pain answered and Yamo opened his eyes in confusion. 'Then why don't I remember anything?' He asked and heard a sigh in his head. /I don't either./ Pain said and then vanished. Yami looked up at Yugi again and shocked his head.

" No, it wasn't. " He said and Yugi looked confused at him.

" How do you know that? " He asked and Yami looked away. He didn't answer and after a few minutes Yugi gently took his cheek and turned his head so they looked into each others eyes. " Tell me, and if you don't want the others to know, then I won't tell them. But something is wrong and I'm not letting you go until you tell me what! " He said and Yami looked shocked at him. Yugi had never been this determined before. He was always so childish, in a cute way.

" I can't get out of this, right? " He asked and Yugi nodded and let go of his cheek. Yami sighed and looked Yugi straight in the eyes. " This is going to sound very wired. " He said and Yugi looked back into his eyes.

" Ever since you came.. Strange things have happened to us. I will not laugh or anything, and I will believe you. " Yugi said and Yami nodded.

" You can say that, I have a.. Well... Other person in my... Mind. " Yami said and Yugi looked confused at him, but let him continue without questioning anything. " I think his name is Pain.. But I'm not really sure. When my eyes change color, he appears.. When I was at the hospital, we really talked, not much but a little, and I think that the reason I didn't feel the pain was because of him. He took the pain, not me. " Yami said and he went silent, he tried to find the words and after a few minutes he continued. " We can talk.. He hear my thoughts and I can hear his, but... He doesn't remember anything either, so it couldn't be him. " Yami finished and the room went silent. Yugi tried to get a hold on what Yami just said and just looked shocked at him. After a long time he managed to get some words out his mouth.

" Th-That's... Explains... A lot.. " He said and Yami nodded.

" I'm sorry I didn't tell anything sooner, I just... " Yami Said but was interrupted by Yugi.

" I know why, I wouldn't have told someone about it either. " He said and Yami smiled at him. " But we still has this one question left.. Why dosent anybody of you two remember anything! " Yugi said and Yami made a sigh and fell backwards down on the bed again.

He's eyes half opened, he heard the door opened and saw Yugi turn around.

" Hey grandpa. " He said and Yami tried to get up, but his body didn't respond and he closed his eyes and lay his arm over them.

" How do you two feel? " Gramps asked and Yugi looked at Yami and then back at his grandpa.

" I feel good, but Yami doesn't. " He answered and his grandpa nodded.

" Do you two want something to drink? " Ha asked and Yugi nodded.

" Thanks grandpa, do you Yami? Maybe you will feel better. " He asked and Yami nodded.


Yami layed in Yugis bed and Yugi sat on the floor and was deep in thoughts, but he wake up from them when he felt arm around him and looked beside him.

Yami had moved down from the bed and had his arms taught around Yugi, his cheeks was red and his eyes had lost the shine.

" Yami? " Yugi asked and lay a hand on his forehead. " You have fever! " He said shocked and Yami looked confused at him and tilted his head. " Yami, you should rest. " Yugi said but Yami shocked his head in protest and his grip hardened around Yugi.

" No! " He said and he sounded very... Childish?

" Yami you must rest you're ill! " Yugi said but Yami just shocked his head again and Yugi sighed. 'Is he always like this when he's ill? If that's the case... Must his parents have had it really hard.' He thought and felt Yami loosen up the grip a little, and felt his breath on his neck. He breathed normally, so that was a relief, but he know that Yami had a high fever and that he needed to rest. But at the same time, he didn't want Yami to release him. He was so comfortable, and warm. Maybe it was because he had fever, but Yugi didn't care about that. " Yami go to bed, you need to rest, you have fever. " Yugi said but Yami shocked his head again.

" No, don't wanna! " He said and Yugi sighed again. 'But I must admit, he's really cute when he acts childish.' Yugi started to blush at the thought and Yami tilted his head in confusion again.

" Why so red? " He asked and Yugi looked away.

" I-I should ask you that. " He said. " What can I say to make you go to bed? " He asked in a try to change the subject, and he succeeded.

" Nothing! " Well, almost succeeded.

" It must be something I can do or say? " Yugi asked and Yami looked at him.

" No! " He said determined and Yugi sighed again. 'I must do something, but what?' Yugi thought and looked at Yami. His eyes was closed, but he didn't sleep. 'Maybe... But what if...' Yugi thought and Yami opened his eyes and looked at him again. He hadn't let go of Yugi so they were still very close to each other. Yugi swallowed nervously. 'He is sooo going to hate me tomorrow.' Yugi thought and before Yami could do anything Yugi pressed their lips together and when he puled back was Yami asleep, his head fell on Yugis shoulder and Yugi couldn't resist to smile at him.

" I love you. " He whispered to Yami, but he know, that Yami didn't hear it.


Sorry if it is a little, well.... Weak with the love stuff thing.. I'm not an expert on it but I try my best and I hope you liked it!

And maybe not the best chapter name... But I couldn't come up with another!

I'm sorry this took a little longer than the others, but that's just because I had so many thing to do this week and, I didn't have the time.. Sorry.

But anyway... I hope I did good at the (little) romantic stuff, and that you liked it aaaaaand, the reason why Yami (feel asleep) after Yugi kissed him... Will be answered in the next chapter!

So if you enjoyed (I'm really tired of writing this down now, but.. I'm doing it anyway!) comment/vote!

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