Chapter 16 The Dream

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A boy walked up to a similar looking boy. The only difference between the two boys, is they eye colors, one of them has crimson, while the other one has violet.

The boy with crimson eyes, crouched down beside the other boy, he looked at the boy and then he sat down.

/Wake up Yami./ The boy said. He didn't move while he waited for Yami to wake up, and he didn't have to wait long. Yami slowly opened his eyes and looked at the other boy. It took a few seconds for him to recognize the boy in front of him and he sat up.

" Pain? " Yami asked and Pain nodded.

Yami had never seen Pain before, but he knew that they looked almost the same, the only difference was their eye colors, even their voices sounded the same.

" What happened? " Yami asked, the last thing he remember is that he had felt asleep on Yugi, after that, everything is just blurred. /Demon, is in your world./ Pain answered and Yamis eyes widened in fear, but not for the demon, he wasn't scared of the demon anymore, he knew that he had his frineds, and that he had Yugi. But he was still afraid for what he could do. He know that the demon wasn't someone you could trust, he didn't know how, he just had a feeling, and so far, has that feeling never been wrong. " How? " Yami asked, but he already know the answer. /His power, has increased./ Pain answered and Yami looked down. " Yugi? What happened to Yugi? " Yami asked, only concern in his voice. Pain could feel and hear Yamis worry for the other boy, and he knew how he felt. Many years ago, had he felt the same, but not about one person. /He's fine, he didn't touch him./ Pain answered and Yami let out a sigh of relife.

" What now? " Yami asked and Pain tilted his head to the side in confusion. /You defeat him./ He answered but Yami only shocked his head. " How am I spouse to do that? I can't do anything right... I couldn't even protect my family. " Yami said and lowered his voice on the last words. He didn't understand why Pain think he could defeat that demon, he couldn't do anything right. His parents was dead because of him, almost everyone he know called him a demon, looked at him with fear in their eyes, who could he possibly defeat that demon? Why did he even have a life, or friends that cared about him? He didn't deserve that, he didn't deserve anything. /You are stronger than you think, and only you can defeat him, not me, not Yugi, only you Yami./ Pain answered and now it was Yamis turn to tilt his head on the side in confusion. " Why? " /Because he's not human, he is you. The hatred, the fear you have felt, he was born from that./ Pain answered, but Yami still didn't understand and Pain could see it in his eyes, so he countinued. /He is you, which mean... If you get hurt somewhere, he get hurt as well, if you... Die, he dies too./ Pain answered and Yami looked at him with wide eyes. " WHAT? " Yami yelled and Pain flinched. " So you mean..? " Yami continued, but Pain put his hand on Yamis mouth to stop him. He know he couldn't stop him if he only talked. /No, you don't have to die. I think there is another way./ Pain said and Yami looked down again and Pain took away his hand. " Who cares, why not just kill me and get rid of both of us. I only gets other in trouble. " Yami said and Pain looked shocked at him. /WHY DO YOU THINK THAT? YUGI AND THE OTHERS MAY GET IN TROUBLE, BUT AS JOEY SAID, YOU ARE ALL FRIENDS. BESIDES, YUGI LOVES YOU, DO YOU REALLY THINK HE SEES YOU AS A BURDEN?!/ Pain yelled at Yami, and for the first time, lost his control. He couldn't bealive what Yami just said, he knew that Yami was depressed, but he didn't knew it was this deep, so deep that he felt like he just could kill himself, that was not how you would live, not when people around you really love you, care for you, this wasn't right.

Yami looked shocked at Pain, he didn't even now Pain could get this angry. " Of course I know but... " Yami said, still with his head down. /But what?/ Pain asked, he was not that angry anymore, not so that he couldn't control himself.

" I don't want him to get involved with this, I don't want anyone to get involved with this. " Yami answered and Pain looked at him and then turned his head and looked at the darkness around them. /I know how you feel, but your friends are not going to leave you alone. They are your frindes, Yami, and they all see you as one of them. They are not going to let you go through this alone, even if you wanted them to./ Pain said and looked back at Yami, a few tears had slipped down his cheeks, but he still didn't look up. He only nodded. /Then, let's go back./ Pain said, and the darkness around them vanished.

Yami opened his eyes and saw Yugi. He looked at Yami and when he saw that Yami was awake, a small smile came up on hus face, and Yami returned it.


I have a problem, I can't write friend.... I write it frined.... But that's not even a word!! It's so frustrating, so if you see it somewhere, you know what it means, now... Or... You get it... Anyway, ehm... Yeah... I'm really tired of saying this, but I have to, don't ask me why, I just do....

So if you enjoyed comment/vote...

Great, now I have a problem with comment, my phone was forced to spell it right, great, just great...

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