Chapter 8 My fault

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" Do you want something to drink Yug? " Joey asked and looked at Yugi, they were at the hospital, and Yami was asleep.
" No, thanks. " Yugi answered with a low voice.
" Okey, Tea? " Tristan asked and she nodded and stood up.
" I go with you. ". Sa sad and the three left the room.

Yugi looked out the window, he jumped when he felt a hand on his wrist, and looked down.
He saw Yamis hand holding his wrist and tried to get loss but failed.
" Yami, let me go. " Yugi said with a calm voice, he know that Yami was asleep, but he had heard that, even if you are asleep, you can hear other people talk, in your dreams.
But it didn't work this time, instead he took a harder grip on his wrist, and pain went though his arm, and Yami started to mumble in his sleep.
" Demon... " He said and Yugi forgot the pain and looked at Yami. " Not a.. Demon.. " He continued.
" Who is not a demon? " Yugi asked, he knew he talked to Yami when he was asleep, and that it's was a little weird, but he didn't care, as long as Yami heard him.
" Demon.. " Yami said again and took a harder grip on Yugis wrist and Yugi bit his lip to keep from crying out loud.
" Who Yami, who is a demon? " Yugi said, and tried his hardest to not yell from the pain he felt on his arm.
" Me... They say I'm, a demon. " Yami answered and turned his head towards Yugi, who just looked at him in shook, but he shacked his head and tried to concentrate.
" Who, who is saying that? " He asked.
" My.. I don't have a family.. Anymore. " Yami said and Yugis eyes widened.
Yami turned around in his sleep, and the memories about his past, became a nightmare in his head.


Yami looked at his parents, they didn't move and they chest didn't go up and down like they always did.
" Why do you not wake up, did I do something wrong? " Yami asked, but his parents didn't answer, and the door opened behind him.
" Did I do something wrong? " Yami asked the nurse who came in and crouched to his level.
" No, you didn't do anything wrong, they are just tired, my heart. " She answered with a sweet voice and Yami turned back to his parents.
" When do they wake up? " He asked and the nurse shocked her head.
" They are very tired Yami, and they don't have the strength to wake up. " She answered and Yami looked down.
" It is my fault.. They are dead. " He said and feel to the floor, tears in his eyes.
" No, it's not your fault.. It was time for them to go, and you must let them. ". She said and pulled Yami closer. " If you get strong, if you trie your hardest in school, in life.. Will they be proud of you, as long as you follow your heart. " She said and tears ran down on Yamis cheeks.
" My uncle said I'm a demon, has he right, am I a demon? " Yami asked and looked at the nurse and then at his parents. " Did I kill them, is it my fault? "
" Yami, it's not your fault... You didn't know the roof of the store would fall over them... " She answered but Yami interrupted.
" But what if I did, I could... Demon. " Yami said and lowered his voice on the last word.
" Let's find you a new family, dos that sound good? " The nurse asked and Yami looked up at her again.
" What if I kill them too? " Yami asked and the nurse shocked her head.
" You won't. " She answered and took Yamis hand, and they walked to the door.
" Demon. " Yami said quietly to himself, before they walked out from the room.

***End of Flashback***

Yami opened his eyes and sat up in record speed.
He breathed quickly and Yugi looked shocked at him.
" Y-Yami, y-your a-awake. " Yugi said and Yami looked at him, he looked down and saw that he hold Yugis wrist and let go. " How do you feel? " Yugi asked and Yami shocked his head.
" G-Good. " He lied and his head feel down on the pillow again.
" Are you sure? " Yugi asked and Yami nodded.
" I'm alright, where are the others? " He said and Yugi looked at the door.
" They went out to get something to drink. I think they soon will come back. " Yugi answered and the door opened.
" Hi, Yug. " Joey said and Yami turned around to hide his face in the pillow, he didn't feel sick, he wanted to be with his friends, but his past didn't help at all, he was afraid, afraid to be alone. Afraid that everyone would leave him, like they did then.
" Are Yam awake? " Joey asked and Yugi nodded.
" Are you alright? " Tea asked and Yami said something in the pillow. " I'm sorry Yami, but we can't hear you. " Tea said and Yami turned around, he looked at his friends, his eyes was crimson again and he didn't look friendly at all.
" It's my fault! " He shouted and then put his head back at the pillow, but looked up on the roof instead of the pillow, and closed his eyes.
" What is your fault Yami? " Yugi asked but Yami just shocked his head.
" You can trust us, we won't leave you if that's what you think. " Joey said and Yami nodded and opened his eyes, they were back to normal and he sat up.
" My parents are dead, my other parents are dead, and I could have saved them. " Yami said and fall then back on the bed again.

Yami was asleep again, he had feel asleep and Tristan ran to find a doctor, but the doctor just said that he was in a shock and that he would be back to normal soon.
But Yugi didn't believe him, Yami had said that he was a demon, and now he said he could have saved this parents. Something was wrong, Yugi could feel it.
The sun was gone and darkness was the only thing Yugi could see when he looked outside.
" If I not go now, grandpa will be worried. " Yugi said to himself and stood up, he walked to the door and was about to open it when he heard Yami again, and walked then home, he's body moved without he even knowing it, and when he came home didn't he say a word to his grandpa.
He walked up the stairs and in to his room, he sat down on the bed and couldn't stop thinking about what Yami just said, could he really mean it, was it even possible?

Sooooo what did he say? Hmmmmm I know, but I'm not going to tell!!!
And a little bit of Yamis past yay.... I didn't mean his past was good, it's the opposite, but... , Forget about that...
Anyway, I just want to say thanks to all of you that are voting and commentating on my book (and reading of course) I love you all.
And if you have like some inspiration or some idea to the book, just tell, because it's really hard to write these chapters down, and if you have questions (that I can answer) just ask and I will try my best to answer them.
So if you enjoyed comment/vote

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