Chapter 11 The Nightmare

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Just a little note: If you remember I said in chapter 9 that I would explain why Yami feel asleep when Yugi kissed him in the next chapter, but I didn't do it.

So the reason to why Yami feel asleep was just that he had fever, was tired and when Yugi kissed him, he didn't get that much air.


Yami live with Yugi and his grandpa. Yami and Yugi didn't tell anybody about what Pain, or what they said to each other.

On the hospital had gramps asked if they had seen when Yami ran away. But they said that they didn't see when he did it, they only knew that he was gone, and this only made Yami more concernd, he knew that something wasn't right. Pain was the only one that could have made him walk away without he noticing, but it wasn't he. So who was it?

It was dark outside and Yami sat on the floor in his room. He was barely awake and he had a big headache, he couldn't feel his legs or arms and he felt dizzy.

Yami tried to stand up, but he just feel down on the floor again with a faint sound of pain. He could hear Yugi and gramps talk in the living room and tried to say something, but nothing came out. He tried to stand up again, and this time he feel to the floor and slammed his head in the wall behind him. He felt more dizzy and now he couldn't even sit. He feel to the floor and saw the light from the living room under the door, then everything went black.

Yami opened his eyes and looked around. everything was dark, and the pain he felt before was gone and he could easily satnd up. Yami took a step forward but stopped when he saw a dark figure in front of him. The figure was a man, and the man looked almsot exactly like Yami. The only difference was that this other Yami had darker clothes, he had chains that hung from the sides of his pants, his eyes glow with a scary green/crimson light and he had a star like thing on his forehead. He looked almost like a demon version of Yami.

The other Yami looked at Yami with a evil smirk on his face and Yami took a nervously step back. --You don't have to be so afraid little one!-- The demon like Yami took a step forward and Yami tried to take a step backwards again, but he couldn't move his legs, he looked down and saw shadow hands clung to his legs and slowly climbed up.

--There is nothing to be afraid of!-- The demon like Yami said and Yami looked up and saw the demon stand just a few steps away from him.

"Who. Are. You?" Yami asked while he tried to get loss from the shadow hands. --I'm you!-- The demon said and took a step closer to Yami, who still couldn't move his legs, the hands was almost up to his waist.

" Wh-What? How can you be me? " Yami asked and turned his attention from the shadow hands to the demon. --The anger and hatred you felt, the darkness that grow inside you, was I born from!-- The demon answered and took another step closer to Yami.

" You grew from... " Yami started but was cut of when he feel the hands on his arms and a quiet sound of fear came from his throat and a the demon chuckled at his fear and Yami looked up and in to his eyes.

" What do you want? " Yami asked and tried to ignore the fear he feel. --I only want to protect you little Yami, from the one who wants you harm!-- The demon answered with an evil smirk on his lips, but Yami could see, deep down in his eyes, that he told the truth. He could see the truth in his eyes, but at the same time could he see the darkness that was within him.

" Why do you want to protect me? " Yami asked and tried desperate to get lost from the hands that crawl higher and higher up. --Pain want's to protect you, why don't you ask him!-- The demon answered and the shadow hands reached almost up to Yamis neck.

" Wa-Was it you tha-that...? " Yami asked but stopped when the hands grabbed around his neck. But the demon understood what he tried to say and answered, still with the evil smirk on his lips. --It was me little Yami, I had a little thing to take care of!-- The demon answered and Yami looked now confused at him.

" What did you do? " He asked. --Oh, I just had a little talk, to a person!-- The demon answered. That was the last thing Yami heard, and saw, before everything went black.

" Yami! Yami! " Yugi yelled while trying to shake him alive. He had walked in to wake him up, but had fund him lying unconscious on the floor. " Yami, please wake up. " Yugi said, and to his relief, started Yami to slowly open his eyes. He looked up at Yugi with tired eyes and, with help from Yugi, managed to sit up. " What happened? " Yugi asked, concerned, and Yami shocked his head and tried to remember what happened the other day.

" I couldn't stand... My head hurt and.. And... I felt dizzy and tired. " Yami answered while the memories slowly started to come back.

" Can you stand? " Yugi asked and Yami nodded and slowly, and started to stand up.

" Is it school today? " Yami asked when he stood steady on his feet, and Yugi nodded.

" Yes, but maybe you should... " Yugi started but was cut of by Yami.

" No, I want to go, I don't want to lie in bed look at a boring roof anymore. " Yami said with a smile and Yugi smiled back. Glad that Yami was felling good. He hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, and giggled a little when he saw the blush on Yamis cheeks.

It didn't take so long for Yami to put on his school uniform and they was soon walking with Joey, Tristan and Tea to school.

Joey, Tristan, Tea and Yugi talked intense to each other while Yami looked blankly in front of him. --I only want to protect you!-- Echoed the voice in his head over and over again. 'Why? Why does he want to protect me? He doesn't really look like the kind of guy who would want to protect someone.' Yami thought. /If he protects you, he protects himself./ Pain said in his head. 'And what does that mean?' Yami asked. /Now is not the time!/ Pain answered and then vanished. Yami shocked irritably his head and turned his attention to to his friends, who still talked intense to each other.


A little puzzelshiping!!

In the last chapter/chapters will it get more puzzelshiping, and in the part 2 of this book, but right now, is it not going to be that much, but I will try my best I promise!

I got a little help with the dream in this chapter. Like when he wakes up in a dark room and (she write it in a different way) when the arms and hands thing came up from the floor.

If you enjoyed Comment/vote and I decided that I will do a squeal, part 2, of this book and in the last chapter will I tell what the name of it is!

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