Chapter 2: A Fresh (New) Start

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5 years Later

Riddle High School. I'm finally here, and it's not some dream im in this time.

"Welp, who's ready for a new fresh year of school." I continued to tell my friends.

"I was born ready!" Smiley, of course says.

"There goes once again my rhetorical question."

I should probably introduce all of us, so lets go.

Phil-Stalwart Leader/Me
Smiley-Eager Scholar/In a kind of relationship
Phred-Helping Hand/Best Friend
Zack-Human FirePlace/My other friend

And thats all you need to know really.

"Ughhhh!!! I was enjoying my life until school started again!!! I wish I was home!!!." Phred said.

"Phred, Shut up. Anyways, I think we all know that you don't like school very much." Zack exclaimed.

"Agreed." Smiley said.

"Oh and one more thing, Zack. Controls those flames this time, ok? You almost burned down my house last time." I told him

"Alright, but I'm not making any promises.".

"Oh No, I'm, late." Smiley Suddenly says.

"For what." All of us replied.

"Lets just say its a special class for the, um... Smart People."

"Oh, alright, Good Luck!" I say.

"Ok, bye! See you guys later." She says as she kisses me on the cheek. Ahhh... I love when she does that. And she ran off.

"Oooooohhhh, Phil Gots a Girlfriend,"Zack and Phred say out loud. Man, how more annoying can they be.

"Shut guys! Stop acting like kindergartners and lets get to class,".

"Yeah Alright Lover boy." Phred replies. I'm starting to hate those two.

At Lunch

I feel sick. The food here is disgusting.

"Belch!!!" Is what we hear in the distance. Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks this.

"Finally you guys are here! What took so long?" I ask my buds when they start walking towards me.

"We would've been here faster if Phred didn't decide to sleep halfway here." Zack said. That could explain why Phred looks like half of him is still alive. "Smiley Helped too."

Oh that reminds me,"Hey, Smiley how was your special class?".

" was, umm...fine." Smiley replied. That's strange, Smiley always smiles, but right now she seems upset. She's never usually like this.

"Hey, Smiley, are you alright, you don't seem to happy." I ask her.

"What do you mean, I'm happy. I'm just exhausted." She says giving a fake smile. I don't think she's tired. Something is going on.

"Oh! Guys it was cool hanging out again but I gotta go to my class." Smiley says out of no where.

"But, lunch barely just started." Phred says.

"And by lunch you mean roasting marshmallows on my head?" Zack tells Phred. I just noticed he was doing that. Well I understand why. The food sucks here.

"Well, Smiley, be careful. And if there is something bothering you, don't be afraid to tell us." I tell her.

"Alright... I guess. I'll see you guys later, bye..." She said in a not so good way. I feel like we should check that class of hers.

"What's up with Smiley," Phred says stuffing some marshmallows in his mouth.

"I... I don't know." I say, I guess I wasn't the only one who noticed this. Looks like i'm the "only one" this days. "All I do know is that there is something going on. And we're gonna do something about it.".

"I'm with Phil on this, Phred are you in?" Zack tells Phred.

"I guess so, mostly cause the classes here are boring..." He says

"Alright then, it's agreed, so whats the plan Phil."

"We are gonna have to use our sneaking skills for this. Guys, we are sneaking into Smileys classroom."

"Phil, Unless you are some secret agent, that is a pretty hard task to do."

"Why Zack."

"5" (Lots of people use 5 as the bad guy, or bully in this case, so why the hell not) Zack says. Crap, he is right, 5 will do anything to anyone he hates a living Nightmare.

"Well, we are gonna have to to all stick together." Alright lets go.

-Zack's POV-

Phil is really worried about Smiley. I know they are together but, they don't interact as much. They are just awkward. After Phil's Mission is complete, I'm gonna ship them even more and Phred's gonna help me. Philey will happen!

I noticed 5 just went around the corner. Which Is right where Phil is heading. Crap... " Phil, STOP. 5 Just went around the corner."

"That's the hallway that leads to Smiley's class." Phil said.

"How do you know?"

"I saw her go through here" Phil says awkwardly.

"Good on you Sherlock" Phred says. Alright let's go. We walk through the hallway and we see 5 go into the "Class for Smart People", 5 isn't even smart. He's mean.

"That's, weird, 5 never gets good grades, why is here" Phil says.

"Lets peek through the window" I say. We go to the window and all we see is... all the classmates sitting down listening to the teacher. Huh? Smiley might be tired after all. "Ok let's go back we are wasting our time here. Phil lets go. PHIl!".

"It's fake." He says.

"What?" Me and Phred say.

"The room, the one we see is fake. It's a hologram. What we are seeing is recorded footage. Look at the down left corner." Phil continues.

I look and it says REC. He's right. " What do we do?"

"We go in" He says. Welp, imma go dig my grave now. I'm dead. He slowly opens the door. And the first thing we see is a staircase with a sign that says. " If you are in this with us, come in, if you're here to stop this, you will see a deadly grin."

(982 Words. There must be more letters then. Oh well. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you have any suggestions on how to make my story better, please tell so I can do that.)

(See you next Chapter) -GREED

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