Chapter 18: The Cult

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-Phil's POV-

Both Miz and Ziz lead us to a mysterious room in the back. It seems we may be interrogated. They can try, but they're not getting anything out of us. Well, we have no valuable info anyways. We've been in this room for a while now, nothing happens.

"Phil, what do you think they're gonna do to us," Smiley looks worried. I attempt to comfort her.

"Don't worry about a thing, Smiley. I'm here. I won't let them lay a finger on you," I hug her. I feel her warm tears run down my back. I didn't care. "I'm here for you..."

"Thank you," She simply says.

"Well well well, look what we got here," Diz alerted us. " I knew something like this would happen, you and your little crew getting suspicious over my rebirth."

"You're a monster!" I yell at him. I even attempt to throw a punch. Diz dodges it quickly.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Phil I know you're better than this," He punches me in the gut, then punches right under my jaw and sends me flying across the room.

"Phil!!!" Smiley exclaims. I wipe the little bit of blood from my mouth. Some of it dropped onto the floor.

"Look, I don't want to fight right now, just tell me why you're here," This is getting ridiculous, I wanted to throw yet another punch, but it would end in the same way.

"I'm not saying anything," I simply say. He punches me again in the gut, Smiley started to tear up.

"Ugh..." I whine, if I keep this up, he'll probably kill me.

"I'll ask again, why did you come?" I was ready to say no, but Smiley interrupted.

"We're here to stop you! We're here to stop this evil doings of yours!" She sniffles.

"S-Smiley," I manage to say with the breath I had left.

"So... you really think you can stop me," Diz Smirks. "Well, I guess I'll leave you two here to starve!"

Diz starts to leave the room. But little did he notice that I manage to snatch his key card.

"Don't worry Smiley," I show her the key card, "We're not gonna be starving anytime soon,"

All I see is Smiley light up. I slide the key card and the door opens.

"Come on, we better go find the others," Smiley shakes her head, and we start yet again, our way to the others.

-Alice's POV-

I manage to wake up. I felt a bit light headed, as if my brain was touching the top of my skull.

"Where am I?" I look around my surroundings. I try to move, but can't. I noticed I was tied up. And then it hit me. "I'm Upside Down!"

"Took you long enough Sherlock..." I hear Kate say.


I turn around and saw not only Kate, but Zack, Phred, and Erik. We were all tied up together. But... no Phil or Smiley to be seen.

"Hey don't judge her like that, she might've felt light headed," Zack tells Kate. How sweet of him.

"We're all light headed Zack..." Phred corrects him.

"He does sort of have a point," I blurted out.

"Oh..." Zack manage to get out. Now I feel bad.

"Well, look other elders, we have visitors..." I hear a scratchy old voice in the distance.

"Uhh... guys? Did you hear that?" Phred asks concerned. We all nodded our heads although we couldn't see each other, but we all felt each other moving.

"Why yes, Pil is correct, we don't get company often," Pil? What type of name is that?

"A name you shouldn't make fun of if you want to stay alive little girl," I hear someone respond to my thought. How!?

"Wait!? Did you just read my mind!?" I spat out.

"Yes, all of Elder Ones have it," They say. Elder Ones? The Hell is that?

"S**t, we ran into them," Erik says. "I told you guys to run faster."

"What!? You said nothing about that!" Zack starts to yell. Almost heating up. He manages to control himself.

"Well great, now were stuck with some stupid cult." Phred complains.

"We aren't some stupid cult, we are "Wkh Hoghu Rqhv"". One if the Cult members say.

"The what now,"

"The Elder Ones, I recognized that language, it's the one we learned from school," Erik helps translating.

"We brought you here and for one reason only," another one of the members say. They slowly start to come out of the shadows, all wearing a dark green robe, similar color to the eagles.

"What, to sacrifice us," Phred says sarcastically.

"To Sacrifice you- Excuse me... how did you know?" The Cult member continued to yap.

"I've watched many movies and tv shows to know how this type of crap works..." Phred pretends to be a Smart-Ass for once.

"Well either way, you all will be fed of to out biggest searcher of them all, Holly," One of them say. We hear a distant growl and it did not sound to pretty.


"This will make the Newborn and Vizion proud," Another member says.

I try to keep my mind off the sacrifice. Like the language Erik was talking about. Oohhh, the Caesar Cipher from the honers class,Wait a minute, if this is a language they speak, then how did Smiley's mom know about this...?

*[Gasp]* Oh My God...

Holy Crap, this is so unexpected and not cliche at all!!! I felt like many of you saw this coming, and look at that, it did. So... Twist!!! I tried to get this out sooner But didn't cause reasons.

Either way I hope you enjoyed and I'll see all of y'all next time.


Chapter 19:
More Than Just Friends

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