Chapter 10: More than it seems

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-Phil's POV-

Erik still hasn't woken up. We've been here the past hour or so and still nothing. I wish everything was normal still. Who in the hell could've brought back Diz from death? We killed Viz, Quiz died, and Vizion practically died...

"I can't do this no more!!!" I hear someone in the distance.

"You knew what the consequences were when you signed up Jerry," I continued to listen closely. It coming from the corner.

"You shut it Ziz! I did this for my Family! I had no choice but to become a guard here!" These are guards?

"Why did Diz hire you, pesky human,"

"Here you go again! You're a god damn Alien!"

"I fight for my planet, Vizion, and the Newborn."

"You know what! I quit! You could continue working here, I'm out!"

"You won't be getting out anytime soon," I hear a loaded gun. Oh no...

"What are you doing..."

"Your services are no longer necessary,"


Oh god...

"Pesky Human," I start to freak out as to what could happen to us if me and Erik are discovered.

"Erik! Erik wake up!" I slap him. Ow! Bad Idea, his face is technically metal.

"What! Who's there! Come here with your hands in the air!" Crap! I made to much noise. There's no way around it. I get up while I have my hands in the air.

"I surrender,"

"Get down on your knees," I do as Ziz says, I don't want to be shot next. "Was it just you,"

"Just me right now," I hope I didn't expose them. I hope Erik is okay. I just keep hoping as I'm getting dragged to where it could possibly be my new home...

-Alice's POV-

I slowly start to open my eyes. What happened? I look around to see I was in a cell. I look behind me to see that I wasn't alone. I saw Zack and Phred.

"So you got captured too..." Phred starts to tell me.

"Umm... yeah...?" I say slowly. My head still hurts. Not from the fall, but the voices..."So how'd I get here,"

"..." Phred stays mute.

"You were unconscious when they brought you here..." Zack proceeds to explain.

"Hey, where are the others?"

"I- I don't know," he stutters for a moment.

"You don't have to be guilty, it was an elevator malfunction..."

"That's not why I stuttered," he quickly grabs my hand and pulls me back.

"What was that fo-," he covers my mouth.  Then I see it. My eyes widened more and more. It was a creature snarling and growling. I hold my breath hoping it doesn't hear me. I hug Zack and stuff my face in to his shirt. He just pats me on the head.

"Everything is going to be alright..." He whispers. I think I may like him... I feel safe. I feel... happy.

-Smiley's POV-

I begin to regain my conscious and I slowly begin to open my eyes. I wasn't where I was laying down, I was strapped up to a chair.

"Why hello there Smiley," I recognize that voice...

"Unity...?" I look up to see that Unity was no longer in her human form, but in a light green Alien form.

"Why yes, my dearest, did you really think I was a shy person trying to protect earth," I am shocked. Why did I trust her!

"But... but... I trusted you!"

"No No, you got it all wrong, you didn't trust me, you trusted my other half!" What?

"What do you mean by 'other half'!"

"(Help me please! I'm trying to help, I want to help!)" Was that her other half? Her mouth wasn't moving when she said that. Im confused...

"The thing is, I keep her locked up, so she doesn't cause problems to the NewBorn and Vizion."

"(Smiley!)" And after that she sealed her other half in her brain.

"What did you do to her!" I was furious.

"Oh don't worry, she's not dead. She's just in a lot of pain thats all... and you might just be the lucky winner to be next,"

"I swear, if you put a finger on me, Phil will..."

"Phil will what! Stop me! Get real," She's a maniac! What is she going to do me.

"What are you going to do me, kill me?"

"Oh no, no no no,"

"What you don't think I'll be any problem," I need to keep my mouth shut, because her smirk turned into anger.

"No, I do think you will be a problem. So I'll send you to place where you'll never see the day of light, again!" After that, she went over to a panel and was about to pull a lever... "Smiley, I really liked you, but you're are a human, and humans are a threat to all of Vizion!"

She pulled the lever and all I saw was the darkness submerge me.

"Somebody! HELP!"

I feel bad for Smiley, but, SPOILERS, I won't kill her. Smiley is too adorable! So how do you think this mess will be fixed?

Alright, that's all the time I got for today, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see y'all next time!


Chapter 11
Dark Abyss

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