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"Y/N!~ Good morning!!!~~~" You hear a familiar voice and look up from your book from yesterday. The classroom door is open and Momo skips inside.

"Momo." You just stare at her and she pouts.

"Such a boring reaction! You need to say something like, 'Oh!!! Momo-chan!!!!! Good morning!'" She places her hands on her hips.

"? Do I? Was my reaction not enough for you?" You cock your head and she jumps at you and gives you a huge bear hug. You sigh loudly.

"I'm guessing you did shower right before this. Right?" You don't move a single limb and just wait for her to get off you.

"I told you to stop, Momo. Did you clean your clothes? Laundry at least?" You fire questions at her and she frowns.

"Hey, I don't do my laundry everyday!"

"Well, then that means you shouldn't touch me everyday." You brush off the places on your clothes where she made contact with you.

"What? Why not?" She crosses her arms.

"It's necessary to be clean everyday." You look at her again. "So that requires the fact that you shouldn't touch people everyday. But there's an exception if the other person is clean as well. So, did you shower? Did you laundry?"

"Well... I did shower this morning. And I did my laundry yesterday too... I think you're alright." She taps her chin as she recalls the memories.

"Although I prefer that you did your laundry this morning, I guess that's still acceptable." You nod and she sighs with relief.

"Phew, I'm glad. Hey, we can touch each other then, right?" She asks and gives me another hug. You sigh again louder this time and then you see another person enter the classroom. Aoyama...?

For a couple of seconds, he's entering inside all alone until a mad rush of girls run after him.

"Aoyama-kun!!! I'm clean!!!!! I cleaned exceptionally well!!!!!!!!!" A girl screams.

"Aoyama-kun! I washed my clothes over ten times!!!" Another girl yells.

"AOYAMA-KUN!!!!!!!!!!!" Every girl screams on top of their lungs and you have to grimace.

"Excuse me, but are you guys even in this class?" You glare at them.

"Who's this girl?"

"Isn't she just jealous?"

"I'm not jealous of you girls who can't even clean properly. You there. I thought you said you washed your clothes over ten times? But did you clean yourself? Did you even shower? Both you and your clothes must be clean. Just by taking a look at you hair, I can tell you didn't clean yourself very well. And you over there! You said you're clean? There's a smudge of dirt on your skirt and a food stain on your shirt. I hope you follow the way Aoyama cleans instead of just randomly cleaning yourselves and saying that you're clean." You tilt your head upwards.

"Omg, this girl pisses me off! I'm going."

"Aoyama-kun, byebye."

"We'll be back soon."

"That girl. She'll get the worst piece of us."

You sigh in relief as they leave and you feel everybody's eyes on you.

"What? Did you guys not want them gone?" You ask to everybody in general and they just turn back to what they were doing.

"Nice, Y/N. Those girls were super annoying, too. But I feel like they'll just target their bad sides onto you." Momo looks at you worriedly.

"I'll be fine. As long as they don't make any contact with me." You shrug and look back at Aoyama. "Please, if you want to enter the classroom can you make the girls go away first?"

"Yes. I'll try next time. I don't get why they follow me everywhere." He sets all of his stuff down at his desk and then grabs his blue gloves out of his bag along with his cleaning tools. He then immediately starts cleaning. You go back to reading and then you see the stain again. Ugh, it looks so disgusting.

"I recommend you moisten a towel or paper towel and carefully dab the stain with it." Aoyama comes over and his tall figure towers over you.

"Yes, but I don't want the pages to wrinkle like they always do when they dry from the water."

"But you can just keep it flat with something."

"That is true. I'll do what you recommend." You turn back to the book and close it. You look at the clock. It's almost time. You notice that Aoyama is still standing over you and you look up at him.

"Did you want something else?" You ask.

"I just wanted to thank you for how you made the girls go away. They've been bothering me all day." He looks back at you with his clear blue eyes.

"It wasn't really for you, but you're welcome." You nod and he goes back to his desk. All of a sudden, a certain memory flashes in your head. Those words you had just spoken... have you said them somewhere before? You've heard them before somewhere. You also remember Aoyama from somewhere. Why does he seem familiar? You shake your head and then Mr. Goya enters.

Cleanliness Boy! Aoyama-kun x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now