T_T =_= T_T

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"Soccer club today..." you stare at your calendar which has neat script written on it. "That means I have to work with Gotou and Akagi...." You sigh and rub your temples. They already know about you two dating since the news spread so quickly. "They'll need a lot of time to get over it."

You stretch your arms sleepily and then stand up from your bed, getting ready to go to school. How will they react to seeing me? They'll probably hate me. How am I going to work with them? They probably will kick me out. Thoughts spill in your head but then you hear a beep from your phone.

! ! !

It's been beeping for a week or so. Do you get that many spams? You walk over to your phone and see who sent you a message. An unknown number. You press your thumb against the home button and it immediately takes you to the homepage. You click on the Messaging app and see what the person texted you.

Y/N?  (5 days ago)

It's me, Len! (5 days ago)

It turns out I'm moving over to where the city you live in. (3 days ago)

I'm arriving today! I'm also going to the same school as you. (1 minute ago)

"What?!!!" You sigh and stare at his text messages one more time. Len, your ex. Your relationship was healthy, but then it all broke into pieces as soon as you moved. It's been about a year now or so.... But why is he moving here?

Why are you moving here all of a sudden?

There's a soccer player that's really famous at your school.

I want to get on the team and play with him.

You know that I'm still a soccer player, right?

Yeah... well I guess that makes sense. What time are you arriving?

The same time school starts. Anyways, see ya there!


"This guy... he's still playing soccer? After all of his injuries? He was the captain..." You just tuck your phone into your bag and walk downstairs to your dining table.

"Mother, I'm not in the mood to eat. Could I just go to school today?"

"Huh? Okay, honey. Just wait for me to get ready and I'll drive you there."

"No, it's fine. I'll walk." You slip on your shoes and head out of your house. A cold breeze hits you as you continue walking and walking to your school.

Time SkiPeROo:

No one is in the class except for you and you start to clean your desk, enjoying the peace. That is, until Narita comes in and greets you.

"Hello, Narita." You continue scrubbing your desk and he starts to clean his own. The door opens again and Aoyama comes in, which makes Narita quickly stop scrubbing and pretend as if he's cleaning his hands.

"Y/N. Good morning." He walks over to you and gives you a kiss in your cheek.

"Good morning, Aoyama." You smile up at him as his cheeks are tinted red.

There should be peace and quiet until the bell rings. After all, no one comes inside early other than us three. So it surprises me when the door swooshes open and I see...

Mr. Goya come in.

That's strange. Why is he coming in early? A figure follows in after him and I sigh, knowing who it is. The figure turns to me and its face lights up, seeing mine.


"Y/N! How did we get placed in the same class?" He grins slyly.

"How am I supposed to know?" You watch as he comes closer to you and seizes your waist with his arms.

"I've wanted to meet you again for so long. You don't have a boyfriend yet, do you? Let's start over again." He leans his face closer to yours and you smell his minty breath.

"I do have a boyfriend." You push him away. Aoyama walks to your side and glares at Len.

"A- Aoyama? The soccer player?" Len's eyes widen with shock and recognition.

Cleanliness Boy! Aoyama-kun x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now