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Well... since all of u guys requested long and smooth, imma do it! Lolz, tell me when my story gets boring.



"I seriously want to marry him!"

You watch in amazement as Aoyama and another one of your classmates battle against each other, cooking meals that even proffesional chefs would cry into. It's like Food Wars! Ahahahaha!!!!!

You still remain in your chair and just continue watching as everyone leaps onto their feet to get tastes of their food. Although you may cook well, they probably cook better than you. Of course, it's not like you want to join in on their battle. Which is why you're avoiding the crowd and just watching.

Gotou comes in with other girls and are wobbling, trying to balance trays of basic food on their heads. Now with those they can make more and more dishes. You stare as they start to make dishes from different countries.

They cook so well. Maybe you should ask Aoyama or your classmate later on how to make those dishes.

You notice the cooking teacher cowering alone, panicking on what to do as more and more students fill into the room. Pretty soon, the room's so crowded there's even a bunch of people all around you. You jump and run out of the room, panting and shaken by the fact that someone dirty almost touched you. You sigh and just walk back into your classroom.


"Uh... Narita?" You shift your bag on your shoulder slightly.

"Yes?" Your classmate turns around, his glasses shining in the light.

"Oh Narita. I actually wanted to ask you how to make those dishes from cooking class earlier." You watch as he smiles and pushes his glasses up with his finger.

"Of course!" He nods and you smile back a little. "Can we go to the cooking room?"

"Sure," you reply and you guys head out. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Aoyama still in the classroom. "Bye, Aoyama...-kun."

You and Narita walk down the hallway and he turns his head sideways to you.

"You must know Aoyama quite well."

"Ah, I don't really think so. We're just friends." You keep a poker face.

"Really? To me it seems as if he favors you more than anyone else."

"That's most likely because we have a lot of things in common. That's what got us to be friends after all."

"By lots of things in common, you must mean that you're also a clean freak?" He tilts his head.

"Well, I suppose so," you chuckle and he grins from ear to ear.

"Oh," he simply says.

"Judging from how you react to dirty things, I'm guessing you also are a clean freak?" You slant your head as you guys near the door to the room.

"I haven't told anybody, but I think I can tell you because you've gone through what I've gone through. Yes, I am a clean freak." He opens the door for you and you both enter inside.

"I see. That's why you're so good at cooking," you open your bag and pull out your blue spray and a yellow cloth. You start to clean a table until it's sparkling.

"How did you keep the fact that you're a clean freak a secret?" He asks curiously.

"I don't. It's just that no one really pays attention to me or they're all used to me. I'm surprised you haven't noticed me clean my desk before."

"Oh, I have. I just didn't think that you're a clean freak as well." He turns on the faucet and water pours out. "So, time to cook!"

Cleanliness Boy! Aoyama-kun x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now