Why Why Why?

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"Zaizen!" You call out to his tall figure and he turns around, hearing his name. He takes his time to walk to you.

"Yes, L/N?"

"I heard about what happened when we were three years old." You wait and watch his face for his reaction.

"You did... I'm truly sorry for what happened. I still can't forget that day." He turns his head and looks away.

"No no. It's alright. I called to you so that I could forgive you. Besides, it's not like you did that on purpose. Right?" You stare at him and he quickly turns to you.

"No! That wasn't on purpose." He stares at back atyou and suddenly he looks at Aoyama, who's walking behind you. "Aoyama!!! Come to practice today!!!!!" He runs over to Aoyama. It seems to be that he just wanted to avoid this conversation. Zaizen tries to tackle him down, but he easily evades him and walks over to you.

"I'm glad you added me yesterday." He looks expressionlessly at you and you nod.

"I noticed your character isn't like the real you." You tilt your head in question.

"Oh, I just wanted to express a different me in the game." He walks forward and you just stand there, looking at his back and then suddenly a mob of people chase after him, leaving you pressed against a wall.

Time Skip:

"Aoyama, I noticed that-" You start to speak.

"AOYAMA-KUN!!!" Girls squeal and giggle, all trying to hug him or jump onto him. Aoyama smoothly dodges all of them and you can't help but watch in amazement as he grabs your hand (with his gloves on) and drags you to outside of the building. You guys stand under a tree.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Aoyama turns to you and you just stare back.

"Well, it wasn't that important, so I don't know why you just brought me all the way over here." You smile just a bit. It's been such a long time since you smiled. At the sight of you smiling, Aoyama smiles just a bit too. He looks so heavenly!!! Like an ANGEL!!!!!

"Well, if you're not going to ask me your question, I'll ask you my own question." The smile on his face fades as quickly as it came. "Is Zaizen important to you?"

"Hm?" You tilt your head at his sudden question "He used to be. A friend at the age of three, but he accidentally pushed me against a wall so I lost my memories of him. Why do you ask?"

"Now that I think about it, I feel as if I've heard your name before." He avoids your other question.

"We used to be in the same class at the age of five. You used to be important to me too, but my feelings have gone down. You're still important to me, but not in the same way as I used to think when I was five." You wonder why you're sharing all this information. This is too much.

"Okay." He just nods and starts to walk away, his hair blowing in the soft breeze. "I'll make it so that I'm important to you in that way." He changes from his  walking pace to a dashing pace.

Wait... did he just say that? You leave your face expressionless as the words go over and over in your mind.

Special Special!!! Aoyama-kun's POV:

"Well, it wasn't that important, so I don't know why you just brought me all the way over here." Y/N smiles and Aoyama feels emotion surging through his blood. He's so out of character as he thinks about wanting to spend more time with her and he instantly smiles too. Yesterday, it was so fun when they played together on Beast Hunter. Why is it that she makes him feel like this? Why? He keeps his face calm as he keeps on conversing with her.

Suddenly, he feels words slip out of his mouth as he starts to head back.

"I'll make it so that I'm important to you in that way." Aoyama dashes as fast as he can and his heart pounds against his chest. Why? Why? Why??? He wants to spend more time with her. More more more.

Cleanliness Boy! Aoyama-kun x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now