Could You...

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"...could you stay with me?"


"Stay with you? Where?"

"Just... stay with me." He says firmly before staring at you with all his might.

"L/N, I like you."

Aoyama-kun POV Bonus:

A/N: Ey I said I'll make this chapter long not continue on with the story! XD

In the cooking classroom, Aoyama reaches for an onion as L/N does the same. After making contact, he instinctively pulls back and his heart beat quickens. But L/N seems to not have been affected. At all.

"Just teach me." He hears her say those words and he suddenly feels as if he needs to tell her that he likes her. Wait... like her? That's an understatement.

"I'll teach you," he says back and continues on with the lesson, the idea of confessing to her growing in his mind.

Time SkiP:

Confess confess confess. His mind is just repeating those words and he feels like running away. Should he? She doesn't even like him. So she'll probably say no and he'll get rejected. But he needs to tell her this now to see what she thinks of him. So complicated....

"Thank you for today's lesson," L/N turns to Aoyama. "If you want, I could teach you something too."

"Instead of teaching, do me a favor," he replies. His heart goes twice its regular pace as he realizes that this is his chance.

"What's your favor?"

"Could you... could you stay with me?" He stares at her like he's reading her.

"Stay with you? Where?"

"Just... stay with me." He feels his heart dropping down and down. How long has it been since he's felt emotion like this? It's ruining him. He's not used to this.

Right here. Right now.

"L/N, I like you."

A/N: Just know, I'm a cliffhanger person if you haven't noticed. TWO CLIFFHANGERS IN A ROW!!! Anyways, I said this one will be long but it happened to be short because I wanted to stab all of your backs. And I posted two chapters in one day, but I might just keep on posting chapters today anyways. Don't worry, I'll most likely be posting tomorrow too. I'm spamming because I happen to be really bored so....

Cleanliness Boy! Aoyama-kun x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now