The Soccer Club...?

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"Please join the soccer club!"

"Yes yes, please join the soccer club!"

"You will be cleaning materials that the soccer team uses!"

"Please join the soccer club!"

"Eh? Soccer club? I heard that Aoyama-kun was in the soccer team!" A girl whispers.

"KYAAAAA~~~ Really?!!! Then I'll join!" Another girl rushes up and snatches a flyer from them.

"Me too me too me too!!!" A bunch of girls scream and soon there's a huge crowd around the flyers.

"Hey, I think you should join." Momo tilts her head as she looks at you.

"Me? I like the cleaning part, but if other girls join too, then it'll just be annoying." You shrug.

"Oh my, there's only one flyer left!" Someone from the soccer club sighs in relief. "You there! Would you please take this?" She points at you and shoves it into your hands.

"Well, I guess..." You grab hand sanitizer from the pocket of your jacket and pool a bunch on your hands where she touched you. Then, grabbing the paper by the very edges, you read how to sign up. Apparently, the soccer team will decide who will be in the club.

"That was fate right there! It was meant for you to join!" Momo smiles and holds her hands romantically.

"Hmmm? I don't really believe in fate, but I guess I'll try to sign up." You nod and then place the paper inside your backpack.

"Oh! Only five more minutes left! Come on, we should hurry to the classroom!" She yanks your hand and starts dashing like crazy.

"You did wash your hands, right," you ask while she's dragging you.

"Er... of course!..... (not)" She mumbles and you sigh.


"Aoyama?" You see him cleaning your desk effortlessly.

"Hm?" He turns to you, hearing your voice.

"What are you doing? You know I clean my own desk." You walk up to him.

"Yes, but I figured you were going to be a little late so I decided to clean it for you. As friends. Does it bother you?" He keeps on scrubbing.

"Well, if it were another person I probably would have been bothered, but since it's you I'll accept." (Wait... that just sounded like a pickup line LEL.) You place your bag on the floor and then Aoyama walks away from your desk. He's actually really good at cleaning, so it's beneficial to you.

"Thank you, Aoyama." You nod in appreciation and he nods back.

"Also, could you join the soccer club? I trust you at cleaning things," he asks.

"I got the flyer. I just need people to choose me to be in the club." You look at him.

"Oh, that's no problem. I'll convince everyone." He sits down at his sparkly clean desk and then doesn't say another word.

Cleanliness Boy! Aoyama-kun x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now