Story #5(Group 1) Mittens

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Still Stella's Pov:

I slouched and tried to put Mittens in a better position so she will be quiet. The teacher turned around slowly back at the board, I could see he glanced at me. I sighed and peeked into my jacket and at the tiny cat. She was clawing at my stomach and it was not comfortable.

Lucus and Dustin were staring at me with concerned looks. I tried to whisper the quietest I could, "She's clawing at my stomach" I cringed at the tiny claws being jabbed into my shirt and into my torso. "Here give her to me, you've had her all day." he explained.

So trying not to be noticed by the teenagers all around us (they were in the back of the class though) I got out of my chair and slightly closer to Lucus's desk. I held out Mittens from the bottom of my jacket and handed her to Lucus gently.

Through the rest of the day he had Mittens and Dustin started to look jealous of him. Around the end of the day, on the last period of the day and waiting for the buss's to arrive outside in the buss lot. "Hey Rickie, meet Stella, one of Lucus's friends." Dustin introduced me to his friend which I'm guessing is named Rickie. "Hey, nice to meet you." I held out my hand to shake his hand. He shook it and shifted his focus on Lucus's jacket.

It was awkward for a bit. "Hey, uh. . what's up with your. . .hoodie.?" he asked nervously as if he was scared to know. He looked around to make sure nobody is listening. "I'll show you on the bus." Me, Dustin and Lucus chuckled a bit and looked at each other.

~~Time Skip~~onto the bus that they all go on~~

Lucus and Rickie sat in the same seat and I sat with Dustin. As soon as the bus started to move on from the school, Lucus tried his best to unclip the claws from his shirt and hand Mittens over to Rickie.

Everybody else on the bus but the people that were friends, never payed attention to us.

Rickie held onto the kitten and stared at it for a bit. "holy shit it's adorable." he said out of the blue. "Hey Pierce take a good look at this!" he said to the seat in front of him. Suddenly a tall boy with shortish yellow hair with the right side shaved off and lots off piercings. looked over the seat and at Rickie, then at the kitten.

It seems like everybody here is so surprised to see a kitten at school, I wouldn't blame them.

Pierce's Pov:

I looked over the seat from my phone and at my purple haired friend, and noticed that he has magically created a tiny grey cat with a white ear and front paws. I acted without thinking, it's pretty much what I do when I'm with really cute things. I reached over the seat and gently grabbed the kitten from under the front legs.

I always sit alone on the bus so I sat there for a bit with the tiny cat and gently pet it and slightly played with it. A girl I didn't notice before then sat beside me.

Stella's Pov(again):

I chuckled a little at his reaction to the kitten. We waited a bit for him to give her back. Though after a while, he didn't.

I then moved seats when the bus stopped for some people to get off. I sat beside the boy I guessed was named Pierce and he pretended to hold onto the cat as if I was going to kill it! "Hey, before you take her from me forever, I just wanted to say her name is Mittens." I informed him. He nodded and looked back at the kitten in his lap laying down with her stomach showing a bit.

"Hey, is it okay if I keep her for a few days? It's been pretty lonely at my house with my mom gone." he asked softly, trying not to disturb Mittens. I thought for a bit, I didn't really think of how my parents would have reacted to me bringing home a cat from school. Probably not well to be honest. "That's okay with me." Lucus said from the seat behind us. "I don't think my parents will be okay with having a new secret pet anyways. So sure."I said. "Wait, wait I wanted her!" Rickie said.

By the time I had to get off the bus we decided that Rickie and Pierce could share her and trade her off between the weeks.

Dustin's Pov:

How come they get to keep Mittens, I didn't even say that I wanted to share her too. I'll talk to Rickie when we get off the bus. We have the same bus stop and both our houses are kinda far from it. (all the houses are kinda far from the bus stops for the high schoolers)

~~Time Skip~~to the last stop of the route~~

Soon everybody has gotten off the bus and went home, leaving me, Rickie and two other kids. Rickie has already put Mittens in his hoodie pockets and getting ready to get off the bus with our stuff.

When we got off the bus and the bus driver giving Rickie a strange look looking at his pockets, we started walking up the hill to our houses. "Hey is it okay if we shared Mittens whenever it's your turn to have her?" He looked deep in thought then said "If you promise that we share her and not you have her the entire time and not let me have some time with her."

I looked as if I was hurt by the statement. "of coarse I wouldn't do that to you. You were the one who made that deal on the bus anyways." I explained. "Okay, thanks. I just didn't want this to turn into some movie where everybody is arguing over an animal. Then turns out nobody gets it and it just runs away when everybody is busy arguing." He stated plainly.

We then got to the road where his street starts and he leaves the other way. "Well do you want to keep her for today?" he asked. I thought, didn't he already have a cat? "nah, you already have a cat, and I don't have any catfood." I said. "Good point!" he explained.

I gave Mittens a final pet on the head and waved Rickie bye when he walked down his road.

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